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Stupid Game

Guest Darth Jevec

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Guest Darth Jevec

O Comon i just got JPB and am enjoing it, but i go on these websites telling me that if you beat the game with Qui-Gon you get Darth Maul...well guess what i beat it with Qui-GOn and didnt get Maul any replies

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i since a lier! if you didnt get maul, you didnt beat the game yet. replay the last level and make sure you beat it!!! if you mash select after you beat it, and no maul, then your screwed!



obiwan.gif "Your path lies along a different path than mine." - Ben Kenobi You will be missed Sir Alec Guiness.

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

You have to get at least 10/70 for your score, I believe. Or... (this eludes me) once I kept beating easy mode, with 10/80 and nothing happened. I don't know why though, as the modes are supposed to be the same (due to a glitch).

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Guest Darth Jevec

At first i thought i had to get a certain skill level and that maybe so, but i know i beat the game considering i heard maul screaming to his death and then saw that little clip of that parade.

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Guest Darth Wart



1. If you have used a Gameshark to advance through levels, the JPB program might not unlock Maul, even though you beat the tenth level.


2. There is indeed a minimum skill score your characters have to have before they can unlock the things they unlock. It's between 60 and 66; I'm not sure exactly.


3. This game is replete with bugs and you may simply have found a new one. In this case I cannot help you.


Plus, I'm not sure what the situation is now: in the above post you wrote "i had to get a certain skill level and that maybe so," but I don't understand what this means.


I can assure you the rest of us are playing with Maul, though. That's not an internet prank or anything.






Get your free JPB guide at:



[This message has been edited by Darth Wart (edited August 10, 2000).]

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Guest the13thJedi

Originally posted by obi-wan13:

i since a lier! if you didnt get maul, you didnt beat the game yet. replay the last level and make sure you beat it!!! if you mash select after you beat it, and no maul, then your screwed!



Don't be so quick to throw out comments like these.


People don't take kindly to being called liars when all they are looking for is a little help.




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i stated this because many people, just about every time they join, they make their first post an insult or a lie. that is why.



obiwan.gif "Your path lies along a different path than mine." - Ben Kenobi You will be missed Sir Alec Guiness.

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Guest Hannibal

Also he could have made his request for help in a nice manner instead of making it seem like "It didn't work for me then it doesn't work, period!" Look at his post it starts out "O comon".


Honestly though I can sympathise with this guy cause though its been months since Ive actually played this game I seem to remember it being very frustrating. So good luck to everyone.



Man Eating Vice President of the Un-Council

He likes it when you back that thang up, its the Orange-Karate Guy Thingy



"Death to the dead!"

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Guest the13thJedi

Originally posted by obi-wan13:



i stated this because many people, just about every time they join, they make their first post an insult or a lie. that is why.



If he stated that Ki-Adi-Mundi was in the game I would see where you would get upset.


He is talking about getting a secret character that we have all played as though.


He didn't claim that he found anything that isn't in there, And he didn't insult anyone.


Yet you still called him a liar.


You didn't need to, nor did you really have any reason to.


I'll be the first to admit that we have had our share of idiots come in. But when someone comes in with good intentions, do we really need to automatically accuse them of lying?


That's a good way to keep any newcomers away from the forums.


Just my thoughts.









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Guest Darth Jevec

OK last night, i played 5 of the levels to get my skil level up for Qui-Gon then i replayed the last level again and when i check to see if he was there...he was.

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Guest Darth Jevec

This has nothing to do with the maul situation, but the forum. Since I'm new to this forum i noticed under your names it says Jedi Knight how do u get it to say that.


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Guest the13thJedi

Post a specific number of times.


I'm not sure what that number is right now though.


It has ranged from around 200 to recently 10 I believe.


Don't quote me on that though because I'm not 100% positive.


Ask Kurgan, he's the mod here, he can tell you.




BTW, Welcome to JediKnight.net

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Guest Weasel

Greetings Darth Jevec. Sorry about all the fuss above just there seems to have been a recent outbreak of attempted deception lately so some may be warry of new people. Welcome to the board and may I help you ba suggesting that if you run into any major problems in the game (not glitches) try Darth Wart's strategy guide (see his or kaniggets sig). It has helped many a person through their JPB voyage.


Greetings once more.


--The Weasel




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Originally posted by the13thJedi:

If he stated that Ki-Adi-Mundi was in the game I would see where you would get upset.


He is talking about getting a secret character that we have all played as though.


He didn't claim that he found anything that isn't in there, And he didn't insult anyone.


Yet you still called him a liar.


You didn't need to, nor did you really have any reason to.


I'll be the first to admit that we have had our share of idiots come in. But when someone comes in with good intentions, do we really need to automatically accuse them of lying?


That's a good way to keep any newcomers away from the forums.


Just my thoughts.






ok ok im sorry.





obiwan.gif "Your path lies along a different path than mine." - Ben Kenobi You will be missed Sir Alec Guiness.

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Guest Darth Jevec

Again this is off topic,but i read some combos on Darth Maul and the xxt when he pushes is not actually a force push it just pushes the enemy.

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