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Reelo Baruck's hideout


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I've managed to get into Reelo's hideout and have gotten into the room with all the big metal blocks, I've moved the trash cart and found the tunnel hidden by the big metal block, now I'm stuck. It seems that I have to get onto the gang way at the top of the room, but no matter where I jump or what I do, I just can't seem to get up there. Anybody know what to do? I've been going round and round for ages... Thanks in advance.

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go to the big room with the trash compacters. go through the garbage compacter and jump on the boxes to the other side and pull the two box things toward u. go back to the big room. go through one of the doors. in the room with the big glass window that u can't break there will be a box in the corner pull it then go through the tunnel and u will be on the other side of the box things.


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