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Need info on level 9- I'm Stuck!


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You guys have helped before (on my first thread), so I'll try again!

On level 9 (Palace Cliffs), I'm having problems. If I go for points, I run out of time. If I try not to run out of time, I fall short on points.

About how long would it take to rescue 5 pilots? About how many points could I count on getting while doing so? (Good thing LA used high-point-value droids to guard the pilots!)

Can you guys offer me any tips on this level?

P.S. I'm playing with Qui-Gon, I've maxed out all previous levels, I don't have the Ultimate Saber yet, and I've already checked Darth Wart's walkthrough.



"I prefer a straight fight to all this jumpin' around."

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Great...another one...just what we need.




New! The Council of Jedi is now operational!


JediKanigget.com, Star Wars news and media. http://jedikanigget.homestead.com/JediKanigget.html

Darth Wart's strategy guide in an easy to use form. http://jedipowerbattlesguide.homestead.com/JPB.html

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Guest Dave Maul

Mark, the only real way is to run like hell, forget about the points and face Darth Maul on level 10. Once you have the ultimate saber you can come back for the points.




Dave Maul

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Guest Weasel

On level 9 the basic rule is to first get familiar with the level. Learn the jumps and where you can fall and not die. Then find the point bonuses and extra lives. Usually you don't need to focus too much on killing. Use long range force with Qui as his short range doesn't always kill and then you have to wait for the droid to stand up. (Mace or Adi are probably the easiest to use on this level because of force and special object respectively). Once you get to the pilots plan your rooms based on ease of access, ease of kill, and type of powerup at the door. Often what you find outside the door will help you finish of the droids inside much easier. With adi, make sure you use all special objects before getting the ultimate powerup (which fills your objects) that way there is no waste. Also with Qui, the same move that works with maul seems to work fairly well with normal droids. If a droid is blocking all attacks, use a force move or stop and take a hit. This will usually allow you to get a couple more hits in between blocks.


Over and above this check Warts manual for which way to run and where. It makes it easier to find things at least.


--The Weasel




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