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Confederacy---worst civ.


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In my opinion, confederacy are the least powerful civ. This should not be taken as "none should play them because they stink". After all, they can be extremely effective; it just depends on the player. I'd say they are worst by a small marigen.


First, the confederacy stength of mechs. The empire and tf have significantly better mechs. The gungans clearly have better because of hvy strikes and gungan biotech. unique tech.

The naboo have far better strikes (advanced redesign and upgrade) and their other stuff isn't that far behind (assuming they even are.

Below refers to troops after they are created, not their speed.

Troopers. It is commonly mistaken idea that confed has the 2nd best or even the best troopers because of their unique tech. They arethe 3rd best (I tested this over and over in scenairio editor) in repeaters, and probaly the other units. The Wookiees(THAT is how it's spelled, not Wookies) have the best troops ( no doubt). Rebel repeaters tie, fully-upgraded, with confed repeaters. They kill each other randomly, or both die. With the cc patch, rebel adv. mounties have 195 hps, so they are better than cofeds in mounted combat.



Hvy. weapons---great, about the same as gungans--gungan hvys. have more hp potential, but confeds fire faster--this is debatable.


UU--genosian warrior. I think this is the least effective uu. Not good against the fighter-class because they don't get shields, aren't ranged, aren't quite as fast, and cost significantly more than fighters--warriors cost 65 food and 75 nova. The most practical use i see for this unit is rushing in t3, since t2 civs will be worker and trooper based--death. Late game a few elite groups would be good against trooper formations, but the more advanced units are often the threat in t4.


Animal nursry units--good if you have a surplus of food, but can die very quickly in the later parts of the game.


Navy--Confeds are tied with the Wooks and Republic for worst navy.


Jedi/sith--bad sith, like many of the other civs.


Bad air--aircraft costs more--tied with the tf and gungans. Empire has a slight advantage.

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You forgot rebs for worst navy.


Predators-Die fast? yes and no, It depends on how you use them. You don't send Predators alone.


Geonosian Warriors- Totally right!


Mechs- that's just normal. Besides it's for balance.Good Troopers=Bad Mechs


Aircraft- That's true but Empire has the best Aircraft in tech3 and Gungan medics can heal their aircraft. Trade Fed have the worst ari because they cost more and they don't get that efficient manufacturing tech. Confed air>Trade Fed air(except for air cruisers)

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Yeah, all that is pretty much true. The buildings are made of dirt. :p .......lol, But I've played as Confederacy before, with enough Mechs you can pull though, I think they are tied with Trade Federation for Mech's tho....Major thing, there but Trade Federation has better Air Forces and Siths. Hard to tell really....:confused:

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Predators, if used correctly, are dangerous. They are fast, upgrade with trooper techs, and cost only food. The reek, when mass produced, easily beats pummels and the acklay massacres troops. The only thing i think is that the nexu should be in the second age. Then the confeds would get that extra oomph to carry them to their strengthes in the late game.


The GW kills villies and troops in one hit. You think thats bad?

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No, rebs have a slight advantage in navy with the hvy. destroyer.


I admit that i havn't used predators much, I guess with mass production they can be like troopers and overrun.


Tf are nearly tied with empire mechs, except empire gets walker research, a mech bonus, and and team mech bonus. Confeds don't get the highly important tech of adv. redesign (+50%hp)

or hvy strikes, but do get technicians for +25% hp.


I do not doubt the warrior's ability to kill works. and troopers. It's not good or exceptional at much else. Kind of like the jedi starfighter.

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When I first saw screenshots of cc, i thought their uu was the reek, and that it would be like the mighty war elephent of Age of empires 2. I was disapointed when they got the Gw, partly because cc already had the jdei starfighter. But it turned out to be better than i originally thought. I did think, from the screenshots, that it would be able to land on the ground and fight modestly if the a-a coverage was too intense.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

Or maybe they couldnt do it with the rigid AoK engine?


That's probably why. I don't think their is anything against balance if they can land. Right now, if you don't have any AA in t3(for some reason) you would get crushed by the GW. And they are better then fighters against building.So if they could land it would be easier for you do take care of them.

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Confederacy are one of the best civs. The special is very good when used correctly (small groups to take out troopers and workers) Good heavy wepons, good troopers and good mechs. Just average navy and air. The rebublic have the worst special, and the naboo are worst over all.:bdroid1::bdroid2::bdroid1:

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I like the Naboo (no surprise because i've grown to like every civ.)

On islands they are the best, they have great sea, and they alos are good in air, which comes in handy on island maps. Jedi can kill hvy.weapon/mech armies if they land on your island.


Their mechs are no the worst, their hvy. strikes are better than the confeds. They also get adv. redesign. But confed and they other mech powers do have significantly better overall mechs.


I'd say many people don't like the Naboo or think they are the worst civ because people on the zone are usually asking for land maps instead of any sea. Players seem to like hvy weapons, mechs, troopers, and air more than the remaining categories, and naboo only get air out of those. That is why i think Naboo aren't used as often as other civs.

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