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How 'bout this lock-up...


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Game was going great until I completed yavin_canyon and now the game freezes up at the mission loading screen right before the loading bar is finished everytime. The only thing I can do is load a new game. Ugggh! I can't even cheat my way into a higher level since no levels will load. Re-install didn't fix it.:(

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Since this post, I've done a lot. I used to be running Windows 98 on a...


AMD XP 2100+ @1.7

512 RAM

GForce440 64MB (tried all drivers)



Then, I wiped the HD and went with windows XP Pro and a new MoBoard. Then, the CD got scratched so I had to get a replacement.


So far the game's been loading and running, but I haven't had enough time to really test it out for bugs. You ever have this issue?

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