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Guest liquidkid

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Guest liquidkid

Originally posted by Barnabas Antilies:

I NEVER wanted to be on the council. I was always loyal to them until they started falling apart. After this everyone loyalty was split one way or the other.




hmmm... now it looks as though the supreme chancellor goes which ever way the wind is blowing! "i liked the council... until there was trouble. then i didnt like them anymore." is this corruption at the top? i may have to call for a vote of no confidence in the chancellor!






p.l.u.r. - J9K-4-LIFE - MCL



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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

ROTFLMAO!!!! Way to mess up our whole Republic by calling a vote..Dick.



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Guest LandoCalvresian

whoa shinobi my man the kid is right barnabus does change his mind all the time and i quote(which ever way the wind is blowing) hit it right on the nose i don't know if we need to vote or anything but he should step down or something!

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

I only ment that I was behind the council until they weren't even backing themselves up. If they won't stand up for the council then why should I.



Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest porkins

yo, liquid kid... barnabas don't even have any confidence in himself. he just said he doesn't have any say (except choosing who is on the uncouncil) i, for one like the uncouncil and think it should remain as a symbol of favoritizm and crock.



Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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Guest 84Elan

I too cast a vote of no confidence. Council or no Sentate or no who cares? It was a good idea at the time but now it's time has passed and all that matters it the game.


Become one with the game and all its knowledge and you can never be pulled to the dark side.



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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue"> I fully agree 84. Though I think the old council should have pushed further. I know it sounds like I am objecting to the New Council, of wich I am on, but you got a point. What started all of that fighting any way?





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~Will I ever see you again?~

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

Hey guys Liquid is just joking about the vote of no confidence. This thread was started last night as a lark. During the whole council thing Barnabas declared himself "Supreme Chancellor", and every one had a good laugh. Go look under the thread Jedi Power battles :Episode one.



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