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Zdeno Corporation is now hiring!

Dann Walin

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Everyone Is Important!


By working at Zdeno, you’ll not only be helping to produce superior goods; you’ll be building a better tomorrow for everyone in the galaxy. From architecture to weapons systems, if you want to make a difference, you’ll get your chance at Zdeno.



We’re Here For You!


There’s no debating the fact that there are dozens of player associations out there. What is up for debate is just what all of those PAs are going to be willing to do for you. The very purpose of Zdeno is to help each and every character in SWG become everything they can be, and nowhere is this truer than with our employees.



Pick Your Position!


Zdeno Corporation was all but wiped out on Alderaan and is now forced to completely re-staff from the very top of the corporate ladder through to the interns. There are positions available today that have never been offered to the general public before and never will be again. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to place yourself in an influential position of what the future will surly prove to be one of the most powerful companies in the galaxy.



Join Now!


The Zdeno corporate website is currently in development but has launched so come see what we're about at http://www.geocities.com/adelbre. We still have our PA listing online at http://www.swgalaxies.net/guilds/guild.php3?id=357. Theses sites will be our primary recruitment locations. Individuals interested in learning more about Zdeno Corporation or applying for a position are also invited to personally contact our Director of Staffing. Worsk Ekrous can be reached at wekrous@yahoo.com.



Invitation to all smaller PAs!


If you are already involved in a smaller PA and are interested in joining our team as a group, contact our CEO about a merger. Dann Walin can be reached at dannwalin@yahoo.com



Come One, Come All!


Zdeno Corporation is now and has always been an equal opportunity employer. Discrimination against an individual’s species, race, faction, or planet of origin is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. All are welcome to journey with us as we take over the galaxy.

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