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Leeeeeave Rho a lone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest JediDiego

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Guest Darth_Talon

alright diego....at least someone is with me...and i know one person doesnt mind seeing naked ladies....everyone else on this god damn board is like "OH MY GOD......NOT A NAKED LADY...SHEILD YOUR EYES!!!" point is.....rho is the man




"Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb."

-Dark Helmet to LoneStar (Spaceballs)

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Guest 84Elan

You two larrys just do not get it do you. Most people on this board are not over 18 let alone 21 so most of them have parents watching over there activities. Rho got them in trouble and that's F'ed up. Besides who the hell is Rho any way? you guys stick up for him like he is some kind of life long friend for all you know he could be some chester the molester. What we do know is he has no class what so ever.

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Guest JediDiego

If I were you i'd go run in a closet before theRho Elite comes and kicks your assssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!Plus you don't no the awsomest person here???You don't belong here.Hey I'm 12 years old and know to use my Kung Fu!!!!!!!

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Guest 84Elan

I do not even know why I am dignifying this with an answer but you are one of the reasons why this board now blows.


I have been here far longer than you and I have seen folks come and go. If you continue on your present course you are going to go.


I think that you will find that I am not alone in this view of you.

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Guest JediDiego

Sorry bro,that guy does have a point,I mean i've been here long enogh to relize thet this is a mess,too much cussing,and porn?I'm only 12 and do people talk about JPB,NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!tHIS JUST HAS TO GET IN ORDER,"DANG"EVERYTHINGS CAPITALIZE.

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