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I just started playing muliplayer, and have a question or two. I load the game up and to to multiplayer - play-join server, and I only get about 10-12 multiplayer games listed in which i can choose.. Is this normal?? If not, how do i correct this??? Is there a way to get to see more servers???


I am a newbie and pretty clueless, so bare with me...


Thanks all..

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i think it is the master server that is not functioning properly, so it only shows up about 4 servers per game type *boo-hoo*


BUT!!! help is at hand!! There is a great program called....

"The All-Seeing-Eye", it finds tons of servers and allows you to pick favourites, ping each server arrange them into gametype, player numbers server location etc etc.



get it HERE


this should get you going ;)

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