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Multiplayer timing sequence problem


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Since I added the clone campaing , I keep having a strange error in playing multiplayer with my brother. I searched all forums and have not seen anyone talking about this. Once we are playing the games, after maybe 2-3 mins there's always a lost connection messages , sort of a miss synchronization. We are then both put on a menu that want us to vote if we want to continue or save the game. And usually one of us freeezzz. If you have any idea of what the problems might be or any solutions to look into I would appreciate it.




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Guest DarthMaulUK

Does the error say ' Out of Sync' ?


This is a common problem, made even worse if someone is playing the game with a firewall on (like zone alarm).


It is best to turn off Firewalls or visit the Lucasarts support page for further information.




Also, if you are playing with the computer as enemy or allies, this can cause some problems, especially with Lag.


Hope this helps


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