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Plo Koon...You might find this interesting

Guest Jedi Kanigget

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

TheForce.net posted something you might find interesting, being that you named yourself Plo Koon. Maybe you already know this:


As we've reported earlier, Episode II will undoubtedly rely on Australian actors for "secondary" characters, like members of the Jedicouncil. Today this is further confirmed in this excerpt from and interview with Plo Koon actor Alan Ruscoe. He's not slated to return (although there us still a chance of it). Here's the clip:

Chris Skidmore: Since that Plo Koon rubber mask was made only for your face, does that mean we will see you behind that mask in Episodes II and III?

Alan Ruscoe: To my knowledge I won't be used in Episodes Two and Three because they, to my knowledge, I mean obviously they-even I can only get rumors. I only have so many contacts that I can, that I'm in touch with-and things do change all the time. But to my knowledge, they're going to be doing Episode Two, and this is not confirmation, this is not insider information or anything like that, this is only rumors that I've heard, but to my knowledge they're filming, evidently Episode Two in Australia, and they will use a native actor, presumably, to take over the role of Plo Koon.


It's just not cost-effective to fly me all the way out there, when they've got a native actor who they can rebuild a makeup for. A similar scenario, would be the original Bib Fortuna, Michael, he was twenty years older so they wouldn't use him as Bib Fortuna again, so they got me in and had me-I mean Bib Fortuna is a small part in Episode I, only a couple of scenes and that's it. And you know, that's the way things go. It's just a lot more cost effective and easier for everybody to use a native actor and rebuild the makeup rather than fly me out, put me up in a hotel-and they'd have to rebuild it anyway, I mean, because certainly for Plo Koon anyway, it's rubber so therefore it would be perishable.


I mean, I remember seeing the original Yoda puppet that they used in Jedi, in Return of the Jedi, and it was nothing more than a green blob after all these years. Rubber perishes unfortunately. Silicone doesn't as much, but rubber does, so they would have to rebuild it anyway [deep breath]. The chances are very slim, I'm afraid to say-but, I'm happy that I've been part of the first one, that's the ground breaker, and I can say I created the part. And that's something that will make me smile for a long time, something to tell my grandchildren.


Thanks again to Chris Skidmore of the Official Alan Ruscoe fan site for the news.





[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited April 25, 2000).]

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

I am glad Plo will be returning for II and III, he is one of the coolest looking of the council, along with Ki-Adi IMHO.



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Guest Plo Koon

That is interesting. I thought TheForce.net said Alan Ruscoe signed on for the next film. Must have been a rumor. That is cool, because now we can think the council members will be in the next. I wanna see them in action. (Fighting that is, not sitting with their hands all folded.) wink.gif




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