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Begining Bot Editing

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Hi! :D Haven't been back here for a while. :p


I have downloaded the yoda model with it's 3 skins and I want to create another bot for yoda in addition to the bot that is provided. I want the new yoda bot to use the red yoda skin.


So how would I go about making a second yoda bot (I want the original bot to stay intact so I can use both bots in a bot match.) and changing it to use the red yoda model/skin. I know this would be easiest done by creating a copy of the existing yoda bot and editing it. I need to know how to edit it and what to change.


Acturally I don't even know what program I would use to edit bots (do I just use a regular text editor). From what little I have heard, it sounds like two files are used for bots. I have a feeling this is going to get confusing. :confused:

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