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A few saber fighting questions


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First, I've heard people talking about being able to spin when using the yellow stance. How do you do that? Now, I can do the move where you do a foward slash followed by a slow spin, but some people talk about it like you can spin any time you feel like. Is that possible?


I haven't ventured into multiplayer yet, but I think I'm getting to the point where I can. I've been sparring with Tavion in the single player game. I can beat Desann too, I just hate sparring with him since he's such a pull whore. Anyway, I pretty much own Tavion in saber duels. She sometimes gets a lucky shot in but I usually chop her to bits in about 20 seconds without taking any damage.


I've read some of the discussions here about stances, and I have to say, I don't see why red is so great. Maybe I'm missing something that will become apparent in multiplayer, but I like yellow myself. I've used red, but it's just not fast enough. I like to play defensively and quickly take advantage of any openings I see. Desann seems to use some form of red stance and if I can get him to stop pulling long enough to have a saber duel he goes down even easier than Tavion.


Anyway, what are some good servers for MP? I would probably like the straight saber duels, with no force powers. Using force powers and saber throws can be fun, but I can see it getting annoying after a while. Throw spammers would irritate me.

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Spinning==turning left or right. People are usually talking about spinning during a yellow dfa since this is the only remaining special in which you can still spin.


Red is great because it does a lot of damage and you can chain swings in a combo. However, I use all stances.


If you want to join a NO Force duel server then DL all seeing eye (http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/), select Jedi Knight II and duel under gametype, refresh servers then look at cvars in lower right corner and join a server that has g_forcepowerdisable at 163387 or 163389 (the latter if you want to disable kick too).

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First you need to go get 1.04 from http://www.jediknightii.net or http://www.jk2files.com, then go online to have some fun, as far as your question about using red stance, people use it for a few reasons, in an FFA game you can do a DFA (death from above) move into a crowd of fighting players and come out with 2-4 kills from that move alone, in a duel game people use red because red has a very high chance to pierce defense at extremely close range, it has longer range than both yellow and blue, and if done right, red stance can mean a dead opponent in 1-3 hits, whereas it takes quite a few more with the other stances, I personally like yellow and red the best, but I use all stances

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