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what 3d card?


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I have just bought JK2 for Apple Mac.


I'm running OS 9.2, got loads of ram, G4 400mhz

loads of HD space, but the game wont run..


I have the factory fitted AGP Rage 128 16mb vram card installed.


is this why it wont run?


if yes, what options do I have for a 3D accelerated video card?


can I only get either: ATI Radeon or GeForce ? what spec and price are these?



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That graphics card is extremely dated, and probably doesn't support JO.


You have a 1st generation Sawtooth? I'd suggest getting a GeForce 2 (perhaps three if you have the cash) card; that should be able to handle the game decently without being overkill. You can probably purchase one at eBay (especially if you're willing to flash the card) or a store like MacWarehouse. They'd be pretty cheap by now, and I'm sure you could easily find a few great deals.

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Originally posted by CagedCrado

well also that processor speed seems a little slow, but then again its probably different on mac since the processors are crap, i dont care what you say, 400 mhrtz is not = to 1200 mhrtz pentium


You cannot compare clock speed directly. You have to compare it per pipeline, figuring in how many pipelines there are (the more pipelines, the slower the computer). But the computer is outdated, true.


By the way, while Mac processors right now might not be as fast as PC processors, the original Sawtooth series was on par or faster than the PCs of its era.

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