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TGAs with alpha


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This is a shader question _and_ a skinning question, so I'm putting it here.


I have the following shader:





cull disable


map models/players/sam/sam_head






I save the sam_head.tga using DogWaffle as a 32-bitter w/alpha channel. ShaderEd2 nonetheless yacks at me because it says it's not a 32-bit TGA but I've specified and alpha-relating blendFunc.


First question: Does DogWaffle just save the file wrong, or is there something else I need to do to make ShaderEd2 recognize it? (For the record, after Dogwaffle saves a file with an alpha channel, I can close the program and then reopen it and open the file again, and it still sees which areas were alpha.)


Second question: If DogWaffle isn't saving the files in the right format, is there a good _free_ graphics program to do TGAs with alpha?


Third question: How should I refer to the shader in my model_default.skin file? Do I just call it models/players/sam/head? That's how all this came up: I'm trying to do a model with a mohawk, and that tuft of hair across Kyle's brow simply has to become transparent. I tried making it skin color, but that just makes it look like he has a hideous growth on his forehead--it's gotta be transparent, so I need to learn how to do the shaders.


If someone can tell me in detail exactly how to accomplish this, I promise never to such that power for evil.

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