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Maxing out levels 1-5 without doubling back...

Guest Jedi_Jim

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Guest Jedi_Jim


Um, this probably won't be any use to the vets, but for anyone who'd like to know how I max out these levels without doubling back...


Level 1


Get to the end of level boss and batter the crap out of him until he transforms to walk mode, then the rifle droids will come out (100 points each). From here on don't attack the boss, just stand near the center of the platform and kill the rifle droids when they emerge. Long but easier than deciding when to double back.


Level 2


Get to end of level boss again and attack him until he moves into the second stage (hehehe de ja vu ?)


He'll start releasing those annoying little roaches that are worth 100 points each (he releases 5 roaches at a time)


Don't attack the boss, just kill the roaches.


Level 3


Just attack the turret boss when his pink shield is on. It doesn't damage him, but it does wonders to your score. (That I learnt from the guide).


Level 4


eep, you MUST double back on this stage, but only once just befor the balcony jumping bit.


Level 5


Get to Maul and you should be OK, everytime you hit him you get 100 points, and you have to hit him a lot. Grenades (thermal and electric) give you 400 or 440 points smile.gif


Using the force attack gives you 400 points each time it connects.


The computer seems to end the level after a certain amount of time, because I have gone through that Maul section by just running round in circles biggrin.gif (maybe a bug).


There was also a time when Maul just stayed in bloking position and none of my attacks gained me any points, but the level still ended in victory for me.






Impressive....most impressive.

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Guest Solrya

I thought the swamp worm releases 4 roaches and the turret droid's shield (from level 3) was blue... or maybe your version is different from mine. wink.gif



"Just because I'm a 15 year-old doesn't mean I can't be a Jedi Knight"



The Force is with you...always.



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Guest Ben_Kenobi

Bro you do not need to double back on level 4 simply nail every plant and screen you see in the game at 50 points a pop you need only not miss too many and they points will be there at the end that and pick-up all power ups even the hurtfull ones.



The force will be with you ...always


[This message has been edited by Ben_Kenobi (edited August 14, 2000).]

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