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New Cheat That Goes Around, How To Ban It??!!!


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Originally posted by *Darth Vega*


Theres no need for name calling, turn that frown upside down friend of friends. I sincerely hope your cancer ridden wrinkled meat of a liver doesn't fall through your rosy red rectum and out of your pus filled anus you mother of a 3 nippled jackel named deborah. How about you pull your intestines through the dinner plate sized nipple on your back, wrap it around the bottom of a stair case go back to the top slide it between your ass cheeks and slide down till the friction slices your bulbous ass in half exposing your bowling ball sized tumour you ass fight practicing poor excuse for an aborted fetus. Then you can have the "Fat Bastard Redneck Racsist cow ****ing no dick having inbreed son of a bitch" of the week award.





And Cedrin, well crap. Altho I can say I havent run into anyone using it yet on v1.03. Perhaps all the lamers stick to v1.04? Oh well, I'd probably just leave the server if I ran into somebody like that.



I rest my case...


You know, Paxil's not hard to come by.


P.S. Gene pool exit that way ------------------------->

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Originally posted by elyk1212


You can trance any route to an IP address in just about any operating system. These are standard network utilities. The program simply traces the packet route. That site uses a server side script to execute the command (CGI).


in windows 2k and probably XP

Use: tracert ip_number (or domain)


in Unix flavors

or traceroute ip_number (or domain)


nslookup (on win or Unix) and Dig (Unix) can give information on his domain... if he has as reverse DNS entry for IP (arpa.reverse_address).


then do this:




> ls -t domain.com

(on Unix flavors)


That will download all DNS entries and RP records. But nothing is concrete and locations can be mirrored and spoofed. So may not be worth the effort....



I guess you wouldn't have "gotten" the website if you're not an EQ fan... I wasn't being serious.

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

Heh, the ASC still lives!


I laughed so much when i first read that list, That #8 never stops being funny.


Too bad the SC doesnt exist and you all look crazy :p



I just read that post for the first time. All I can say is:


Damn, Artifex, I have a new respect for you...

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Originally posted by Break_dF



I rest my case...


You know, Paxil's not hard to come by.


P.S. Gene pool exit that way ------------------------->


Oh come on, at least I did more than just stupidass. I showed creativity, yours sounds like something any 10 year old could come up with.



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Originally posted by *Darth Vega*


Oh come on, at least I did more than just stupidass. I showed creativity, yours sounds like something any 10 year old could come up with.




I'm sorry that you don't understand sarcasm OR how to take posts in the context to which they were meant to be taken. I didn't simply call you a stupidass, I placed you in the same category as the idiot before you. Oh, and yes, typing random nonsense concerning obscenity is SO creative. I'm sure there's a class for that... Oh and by the way, I'm sure you haven't the foggiest notion as to what Paxil is or even what I'm referring to when I typed the phrase "gene pool". That said, here's a link to help you along.



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Unfortunatly not everyone in this world is graced with the gift of telepathy. So unless you use smilies (such as those shown at the left of the reply box) one has no way of telling sarcasm. But retarded people, such as yourself, never figure out how to use smilies anyways. When I think of your lack of intelligence I realize even further how your removal from society would be a day of celebration for the world. Tell me, why do you live? I'm sure that its illegal to give air to something like you. You should stop breathing an donate all your oxygen to orphans. ;)

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Originally posted by *Darth Vega*

Unfortunatly not everyone in this world is graced with the gift of telepathy. So unless you use smilies (such as those shown at the left of the reply box) one has no way of telling sarcasm. But retarded people, such as yourself, never figure out how to use smilies anyways. When I think of your lack of intelligence I realize even further how your removal from society would be a day of celebration for the world. Tell me, why do you live? I'm sure that its illegal to give air to something like you. You should stop breathing an donate all your oxygen to orphans. ;)



Wow, I'm totally impressed that you wasted that much time on me. It's rather ironic that someone w/ the grammar capacity of a 6 year old would even attempt to insult someone elses intelligence. Oh, and please, make sure you don't follow your parents example-marry outside of the family.




Hopefully this website will keep you occupied.

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Originally posted by Hateplow

I remeber that lil trick. People used to do it on Quake**** West all the time. Some dude named Overlord ( I think that was his name) did it almost every time I beat him. (About 50% of the time)



Yeah, his name is Overlord22. "Dropping" people was the only way he ever came out w/ a so-called victory.

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