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Deselecting multiplayer force powers


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Greetings, imperial elite and rebel scum alike...


Running JK II on my Mac, I can't figure out how to deselect (or "sell back") force power points in the multi-player game. When dispensing my force points between the powers, if I check something and then change my mind, I can't sell the point back.


A player on a PC told me that they uncheck the force points using right-click. Is there a way to do it on the Mac? I've tried the usual Mac equivalent of option-click, as well as control-click, command click, and every other combination I could think of. Nothing seems to work. :(


Anybody have a solution? Please help!



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I read the manual several times before asking. The manual only says that you can assign force points; it says nothing about how to deselect force points. If it does give instructions somewhere, could you please tell me which number page the info can be found on?


And surely you know it's neither helpful nor nice to tell somebody to buy the type of mouse you want them to use. Nowhere in the system requirements does it say a two-button mouse is required for the MP version. Aspyr/Raven created, tested and released the product for the Mac. So there's clearly got to be a solution; they can't possibly be so stupid as to go through the entire process of making a Mac version and overlook such a big issue.


Please, if you're going to answer a question, make it a respectful reply. Telling me to RTFM and ordering me to buy a different mouse is neither respectful nor helpful. :(

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