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base folder


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OK, my PC is upset...... am I supposed to throw all the PK3 files and mods in the base dir correct? Are there any files that should not be here that could be hosing it up?? The latest problem; the game will start, I will be running around, I go to fight someone and POW the screen freezes.


so basically what should I have in there, and what should I not?

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Custom levels reside in base directory. Mods are in their own folders in Gamedata directory. Otherwise you cannot load them. The game will snoop every .pk3 packet in base when it's starting. So if you have custom thingies in lots of .pk3s in your base, you might have in your game a burden of modifications compared to the original situation. So, I would (and I am) rather conservative about what I hold in form of .pk3s in my base folder.

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