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How do I get out of the Atrus Mines?


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This is the second mission (no light saber yet, grrr) and I have killed everyone i can find. I just got thru a big room where I was ambushed by about 10 storm troopers who came out of hidden compartments in the room. On the other side of it, I walked into a room that had 2 roof mounted laser canons protecting an tram track. I figure I should follow the tram track, the problem is it is still on (electricity) and if I jump on it I get fried. Where do I go? I have been all over this map, and am stuck. Thanks for your help..


P.S. how long until I get a light saber?

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ok i will try to help u out the best i can

this is sort of long.........





first u went the wrong way, u didnt have to go to that room yet... find the room where there is a tram thing and a broken droid. go out side and there should be some kind of a pipe thing that sticks ot over the ledge (if its not there then wait because it goes in and out) jump on it and crouch while it moves back under the ledge. follow it through the tunnel and destroy the machines inside which will stop the room with the droid from messing up. in the middle of the room there should be a machine that moves up and down et on it and jump on top of the tram. while on the tram jump over on to a ledge in the wall and u can figure it out from there.



i hope that makes sense...


if not try this code



map artus_detention it will skip u to the next level



if u don't want to use codes u can find a walkthrough at http://www.jediknightii.net

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I ended up doing a search on the net and found several walk-thrus. I dont like to use them much cause it takes away from the fun sometimes, BUT JK2 has so many obscure things and dead end rooms I almost had to use it religiously. If I had to make a suggestion, I would say less puzzles and dead end rooms and more light saber fights :)

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