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This ain't cool.

Guest the13thJedi

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Guest the13thJedi

Why'd all of it go?


I can see getting rid of the junk, but there was alot of really useful info in this forum.


Countless hours of posting by Wart, Kanigget, Acid, Myself and all the others gone. Granted not all of it was useful, but there was some really good stuff in here.




Okay, I'm done ranting now. Time to get over it and start building it up again.







[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited August 22, 2000).]

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Well, maybe we were taking up a bit more than our share of the memory on the server. (This WAS the largest forum on the boards.)

But oh well, I guess we'll have to start over (just to be sure, I checked the "Show all topics" option. The old posts have been wiped out).



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Guest Jedi Kanigget

If there was a memory problem, only trimming was needed, not a complete wipe.


So...what happened? (Rhetorical question unless you happen to be an admin of this site.)




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Guest Dave Maul

Kurgan said he didn''t do anything. Just out of interest, who was it? Or is it some kind of automatic thing, where you get a certain number of posts and then the memory is wiped?




Dave Maul

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Guest Mace_Windu

Im sure they would never bother trimming the forums. Why bother going through all those posts to find useful information??? It wouldn't be valuable enough for them to take the time to do it. Maybe they cleared it in anticipation to the DC release. Maybe they were expecting more posts in an alrady crowded forum. Whatever it was im sure they had a good reason.


BTW whats happened here the last like 3 months? I havent been here in awhile




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[This message has been edited by Mace_Windu (edited August 22, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Wart

Personally I'm baffled and not a little angry:


1. If they were going to dump EVERY SINGLE PAST POST, couldn't an admin have come on the board the day before with a warning, letting us know what was about to happen?


2. Or an apology afterwards, at the very least? I, for one, am mystified! Failing to do this was disrespectful.


3. Also, why couldn't they have simply dumped posts that hadn't been touched in, say, 10 days? That would have cleared up a lot of space without being so drastic.


4. Some of those posts were good, relevant, and high quality, like the tribute string to Guinness. I spend a lot of time typing all that stuff in.


Come to think of it, I'm hootin' mad!






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Guest Jedi Kanigget

The least they could do is give an explanation.*hint hint*



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[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited August 23, 2000).]

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