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What are the green trash can thingys?


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I keep seeing these green glowing trash can looking things (sometimes they glow red). They have key holes on them, but none of my supply keys seem to work on them. How do I pop them open? My supply keys only work on the CRATES with keyholes.


Also, I read thru the spoiler on how do get out of the red room. Good thing that was posted or I would have never figured it out. Thanks!

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Yeah, I ended up figuring that out on my own. I appreciate the reply tho. Here I was wondering why this game was so hard. I kept running out of ammo (this was before I got my saber) and was always low on health. I was thinking the Jedi Knight and Jedi Master levels were impossible if the regular Jedi level I was playing on was this hard. Lol. Once I figured out what those things were for, the game got a whole lot more easy. Plus, once I got my light saber, the game got about 100x more FUN!

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