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JKII Movies


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Hello all I posted about this awhile back but didnt recieve much help but anyways here goes. I am making a JKII Movie by recording demos in JKII then convert the demo file to AVI then I will edit the demo and add in voice acting,special effects( explosions and vehicles moving and stuff),and bg music. The script for my first movie is already written and I have a list of the files needed We will shoot one scene per week I think there is like 6 scenes total not sure tho,cause i forget lol anyways we need actors mostly! But if you are a mapper,skinner,coder,or just like to roleplay please come join our crew and help us make this movie our website is http://www.roleplayersinc.com and my email (the founder of the operation) is lordsod521@hotmail.com that is my msn messenger as well but if you add me to msn make sure you IM me cause i got over 90 buddies.

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