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What is the worst Star Wars game?

Guest Darth skywalker

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Guest MasterYoda

Although some may disagree with me but I would have to say TPM. This is why, the graphics and game play were horrible concider the graphics and game play of other games out. Like Final Fantasy 8( even though I didn't think it was as good as 7), Omega Boost, Bloody Roar 2 and Twisted Metal 4. Compared to those and the capabilitys of the playstation. TPM sucked.




JPB Moderator

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Guest Maul Clone

Yoda stories was horrible, but everyone expected that so no biggie. The biggest let down for me was Shadows of the Empire. I actually bought it ::hangs head in shame::


I can't really even say what was so bad about it........it just sucked.




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Guest Perch Coxon

if you ask me, the worst star wars game ever was the emipire strikes back for game boy. it was identical to the NES version, which wasnt very great to begin with, minus color.

slow reactions, poor hit detection, and the lightsaber couldnt reflect, and you absolutley need all 10 continues it gave you to get somewhat far in the game. the only good part was the battle of hoth, which took even the greatest player about 30 minutes to get to.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I once managed to reach Darth Vader in the Dagobah swamps. Naturally, I became sick to the soul, died and gave up. Haven`t played the game since, and im never gonna touch it again.

Sometimes I think Shadows of the Empire is the worst, sometimes The Empire Strikes Back and sometimes Star Wars Rebellion. None of them is the worst ever, but they all pretty much SUCK!

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Guest Qui Gon Jap

Shadows of the Empire, I really think that that's the worst f------ Star Wars Game ever, and ofcourse Yoda Stories

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Guest Perch Coxon

<font color="red"> you actually made it to dagobah? i commend you



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Guest rfmok

hey guys, I beat the empire strikes back, great game in my opinion. I loved the shadows of empire even though I thought that it was way too hard. But, I never had a problem with starwars games. C'mon lets not talk roughly on the games that were done by george lucas and lucas arts. I really enjoyed the starwars game and his world that he created. Lets not criticize and lets be thankful for the sci-fi entertainment that we are privlidged to enjoy. smile.gif


Rfmok--Admire the force, for the force is you r ally always

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Guest liquidkid

i didnt think shadows of the empire was bad. i enjoyed it. and yoda stories was cool too... it was SUPPOSED to be a simple little "desktop adventure" and that it was. i whole heartedly agree w/master yoda about TPM. what a let down. they could have made that SOOO much better. maybe it looked better on the PC, but not on PSX. the only thing that makes that game worth having is the inclusion of the duel of the fates music video. that's awesome. and all the CG cutscenes are great too. i was hoping JPB would have more! also, masters of teras kassi was a pretty lame excuse for a fighting game.





p.l.u.r. - J9K-4-LIFE - MCL



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Guest Jedi Trunks

One of the worst games i think was The RPG episode one, in the way that it was just way to short, i beat in like the first 1 and ahlf to 2 hours i had it. it was just way to small and easy. But the worst would have to be the side scrolling SNES games. those were just bad, even though i have beaten all of them. smile.gif





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

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Guest Hannibal

I chose Masters of Terra Kasai as the worst. But once Demolition comes out I think there will be a new champion.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, I personally didn't *hate* TPM. Yes, there was very much to be desired, and sometimes things were a little (ok sometimes really) odd, like the whole Jabba sequence. However, I doubt many here can truthfully say they were not in the slightest bit impressed the first time they played through the first level. The graphics were a bit blocky, but they were clear, and they were better than a lot of what I've seen in my years as a gamer.


The biggest problem I had with the game the first time I played it was with the ending, and the fight with Maul. The fact that it was mapped out was acceptable, but the needless bridge, and the fact that Maul simply falls limp, instead of at least an attempt at his dramatic end, frustrated me. That and the feelingless conversation between Qui and Obi after the battle was over.


On a side note, is it just me, or does anyone else REALLY want the final battle between Obi and Maul to end as it should, with Maul's descent into the melting pit, in at least ONE game? It's really not much to ask, but every game's conclusion to the duel has fallen completely short, and has disappointed on one level or another.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Getting back on topic, I'd have to agree that Empire Strikes Back on both GameBoy and NES were maybe the worst Star Wars games around - especially in comparison to A New Hope on the same systems. That game was cool.

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Guest Mace_Windu

I agree with Master Yoda(surprise surprise). TPM may not have truly been the worst but the disappointment makes it seem much worse then it really is.




Mace Windu, Jedi Master

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Guest 84Elan

I do not know if you guys are old enough to remember but the worst SW game had to Empire Strikes Back on the intellivision. It was terrible. It was like Defender with AT AT's on the sceen I don't know if any of you know what defender was good lord I'm getting old. Any way the game was bad there was not ending at least none I saw and and all you did was fly around in a one D land trying to destroy AT AT 's by hitting them in the neck or in the ass in a orange block that would light up every once in awhile I mean please. If anyone has ever heard of this game please write back so I don't feel like the oldest fool hear.


PS EPSB on Super N was not bad at all I never owned a Super N but I would rent one and always rented EPSB I did make it to The swamp but could never get past the huge grass hopper boy there go some memories.


[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited April 25, 2000).]

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