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Capturing demo video and sound as MPEG?


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I need some help...


I'd like to be able to store off JK2 demos (video AND sound) as MPEGs that I could share with people. The problem with sharing actual demos is that there's no way to pause, fast-forward, or reverse when playing, you hit a key and the demo stops. Very annoying.


So, is it possible to: Replay the demo normally on my PC, letting it play all the way through, but while it's doing that, to capture the video and sound?


I do NOT want to have to convert it to an NTSC signal to a video capture card, because it will lose a lot of resolution. I want the MPEG to retain the high resolution of the original (1024x768).


I don't mind using a video capture card, I'll buy one if needed, but I don't want to degrade the image by having to convert it to NTSC.


Are there any utilities that will run in the background and store video and sound that's being played on the actual machine to MPEG format? That would be ideal. I'm running XP Pro, BTW.


If not, I guess I'll have to use a capture device of some sort, but all the capture cards I've seen are made for NTSC signals. Are there any that would accept a VGA signal? Again, I do NOT want to lose resolution doing this, I want the demo to look like it does when being played with JK2, I just want to be able to control fast-forwarding, etc, while it's being played.


Any help here would be greatly appreciated - I'm new to video capture, and haven't found anything yet that meets my needs.



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