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Originally posted by Taarkin

Don't read into it

It's just a freaking haiku

Seriousy, die


Dude, are you on mushrooms? That was such a good rhyming. Didnt your mom ever tell you to lay off the drugs? Or are you just some kind of freak that has no friends and finds pleasure in dissin people for no reason? Whats your deal?

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Slow up a minute and let me

pay my board illist fee

Cause I'm a Human Yeti

Like your mom's spaghetti

In the hands of a two year old

red stains on the wall rotting

and left to mold

I'm comin through

And when all's told

I'm viral

stuck wit you like a cold

In the poker game of life

I make you fold


(I'm having trouble past that, I need a way to connect poker to roulette... which leads to this)


Runnin Vegas placin' a few bets

You found your favorite table

now you scorin on roulette

layin' double zero and you think that you're set

'Bout to lay it down to all those who you met

Those punks who told you you'd never be nothin

You gunna show them a glimpse of reality

Sayin' to hell with geniality



Ok... kinda dug myself a hole on that one... so it goes. Tough to find words to rhyme with geniality. I got other that I been tossin around in my head, I just want to get one more down digitally:


So how does it feel to you to be one of those

to have them step on your toes

and mock on your clothes

This isn't the life you chose

but you kept your heart closed

to everyone you know

Continually actin like a baby

Cryin sighin whinin and all the while

your social life is dyin

And it continues without you tryin

people treat you like yous spyin

on some secret they never told

but they always sold

to the highest bidder

never worth it

just some punk kidder

you're the runt of the litter

you're mommas little baby boy

or maybe some senior girl's sex toy

either way you've been robbed of your joy

so you come up with some stupid ploy

for the tiniest shred of attention

but I don't need to mention

the things you do in your spare time

spendin hours on message boards

tryin to write a good rhyme



I thought that was good place to end. So, what do you guys think?

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