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Forget the Council, join the Sith Order!

Guest Maul Clone

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Guest Maul Clone

Everything that has traspired has done so according to my design! Now that the Council is disbanned, it's the perfect time to turn this board to the dark side. We must accelerate our plans.


This board has become powerful, only together can we turn it to the dark side of the Force.


And to former Council members: You don't know the power of the dark side! Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side of the Force. Join me and we can rule this board together. And if you will not be turned, you will be destroyed.


Everything is proceeding as I have forseen. At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge!




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Guest MasterYoda

Maul it is true the council does not exsist, but to turn the forum to the dark side you will have to go through me fisrt.




JPB Moderator

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Guest Maul Clone

Oh and you don't have to worry about the dark side rotting your teeth, we have an excellent dental plan now. Darth Maul just died before we had that job benefit. wink.gif


Your eyes will turn yellow though, but they look kinda cool like that anyway. It is of no concern.

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Guest Maul Clone

Originally posted by MasterYoda:

Maul it is true the council does not exsist, but to turn the forum to the dark side you will have to go through me fisrt.



If that is your destiny.


By the way, it was just a joke. I do think a Sith Order would be cool though. The Council will reform, I don't care waht anyone is saying now. The Sith Order could help balance the Force of this board and prevent more Council tyranny.


There will be no one to stop us this time!

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Guest MasterYoda

Hey that is a cool idea. I think you should make one, and you be the leader. Plus it would be unfair, because we already made the council so you should make a Sith council.




JPB Moderator

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Guest Maul Clone

Yeah, all I have to do is get people to join, yeah right. I guess we have to throw the 2 Sith rule out the window. I could decide how many members to have, for now. We could have elections later, like I wanted for the Council. Right now the dark side will be the quick and easy path, just say you want in.


Oh yeah, as a Sith job benefit I will edit a pic for you or make one myself, upload it and give you the address for your sig. All members could have a red outline around the edges. Cool eh? The quick and easy path. smile.gif


If you will not be turned then you will meet your destiny!

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

I think the Jedi Council and Sith Order should go to the Role-Playing forum.




Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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Guest MasterYoda

Im just trying to be fair. We did make a council. But after all if the people dont want on they can just vote to not have one like they did with the council. So rreally its no big deal.




JPB Moderator

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Guest Darth Sidious

There should be no debate. This forum

has always been close to the Sith.


The quicker path...cheat codes...and

covert advice are the ways of the Dark Side.

And it seems everybody here is looking for that extra edge, Jedi and Sith alike.






"Wipe them out...All of them"

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Guest Maul Clone

So Sidious, do you think we should form a Sith Order? Heck, you can lead it if you want. I'm not to hip on the idea of being the leader, I'll do it though.


Join me and we can put an end to this pointless conflict and bring order to the message board!

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Guest Jedi Trunks

I'll join! Either side i can get on





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell Ass."

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Guest liquidkid






p.l.u.r. :D J9K-4-LIFE :D MCL



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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Thank you for your praise.

Liquidkid, if ther is anyone else you think I should consider for the Un-Council let me know.



Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest ob-have

i second the go to the role-playing forum statement. and all praise to the un-council, cause today is my un-birthday. I can't say that i want to join the un-council as that is un-like my. but my support to the un-council is active on this board, and as i am opposed to slef-righteous councils, maul gangs and all that jazz, viva Antilies!


[This message has been edited by ob-have (edited April 25, 2000).]

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Guest ob-have
Originally posted by ob-have:

i second the go to the role-playing forum statement. and all praise to the un-council, cause today is my un-birthday. I can't say that i want to join the un-council as that is un-like me. but my support to the un-council is active on this board, and as i am opposed to slef-righteous councils, maul gangs and all that jazz, viva Antilies!



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Guest Darth_Talon

I Agree that the Dark Side is the best...look who you have on the dark side.... The emperor, Darth Vader, Darth Maul (with double bladed saber) and look who you have on the light side...obi-wan and luke....dark side kicks @$$ any day of the week...Darth Vader and Darth Maul could take any 4 light jedi no contest

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Guest Perch Coxon

its your unbirthday too? well dont that beat all!



Take the professor and plug him into the hyperdrive!

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Guest Darth Sidious



Your idea for a Sith Council is well-founded,

yet councils are best left to the bureaucrats

and weak-minded who are afraid to act.


Therefore, I propose that we begin a "Sith Order"...where discussions as to the quickest and easiest ways to defeat this game are made available to all.


Cheat codes, special moves, enemy weaknesses, you name it...those who want to

follow the quicker, more aggressive path can find those hints here.


- The New Sith Order





"Wipe them out...All of them"

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Guest MasterYoda

Guys their is no need to worry, if any problems present it selfk I will take care of it.




JPB Moderator


[This message has been edited by MasterYoda (edited April 25, 2000).]

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Guest Plo Koon

Please go to the Role-Playing forum with this. I ike this place just the way it is, without a council. If it starts again, more conflict will break out. As it did before. Listen to Plo.




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