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My Ki-Adi-Mundi evidence

Guest Maul Clone

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Guest Maul Clone

First off, he has a voice credit in both the game and the manual. If it was a mistake I doubt they would make the same mistake in both the game and the manual. And if he was cut from the game his credits would have been cut as well, that's the way it's works with every game I've ever seen that cut characters. And I think this game developer, see link below, would have just said "he was cut" rather than "you will have to wait".



(from above link)"Q: Is there a way to play as that treacherous Sith Lord Darth Maul? Or perhaps Ki Adi Mundi? Thank You. (Yoda0997@aol.com)


A: Hmmm... Darth Maul... there might be. I'd suggest playing as Qui-Gonn if you want to a chance at playing Maul. Ki Adi Mundi you'll have to wait for."


In case you don't know LucasArts waits 6 months to release tasty codes. This was done with Shadows of the Empire, Masters of the Tera Kasi, and Rogue Squadron. I believe we have a 6 month wait for JPB as well. I believe that's what the "have to wait" line refers too.


So wouldn't he have been found by all the Gameshark hackers by now. The Rogue Squadron code wasn't, see link below.



(from above link)"The interesting story behind the code that opens up the Naboo Starfighter from Episode I: The Phantom Menace is not how it was put into the game, but rather: "how did LucasArts manage to keep it a secret for this long?" The answer is simple: most people had no clue the Naboo fighter was in the game. Developer Factor 5 went to great lengths to come up with a complicated scrambling system that would not only hide the ship from inquisitive gamers, but also armies of hackers armed with GameSharks and ProAction Replays. Even members of the core design team didn't know that the ship was in the game -- and those that did know didn't have the code to unlock it. Well, the secret is now out"


LucasArts are masters of hiding code from hackers, and keeping it secret. Notice from quote above that "even members of the core design team didn't know that the ship was in the game".


Also Ki-Adi has a purple saber. A purple saber texture pic was recently found in the game, seen here plightsaber.jpg . But it was said that it was from the opening cut scene. A texture from a cut scene, maybe. If so anyone ever wonder why that saber is purple....hmmm. Hint hint.


Also, many witnesses said that they saw Ki-Adi-Mundi on the grassy knoll, but their testimony was altered when it was published in the Warren Report. Hmmm....


[This message has been edited by Maul Clone (edited May 09, 2000).]

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Guest Rogue_Jedi

You could be right. I been trying to bust this game since I finished it with Mace and Qui-Gon. If its in there they really did a good job of hiding it. The clues you spoke of are compelling. I've been breaking codes on games going back to Sega Genesis days and have yet to find it. By the way, I've gone through a dozens of code combinations looking for the "debug" menu. It's probably there just waiting for someone to crack.



"May the Force be with You"

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Guest Thermal

Definitely right Wart. Right now the camp is divided into those who believe he's there no matter what, those who don't believe he's there(me) and those who just are just plain sceptical(spelling?) I don't think anyone can convince the first group to change their minds, no matter what. They want KiAdi and they'll wait as long as it takes.

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Guest quite-gone gin

Is it a code for sure? Have all the obvious possibilities been exhausted? I had a thought, has someone beaten the game with all characters, all at level 10/skill 100, and all bonus levels with all characters? I suppose so, but has that been done in both single player and two-player mode? Perhaps completing the entire game in 2-player mode unlocks things you can't in 1-player mode.


Not sure but it's worth asking! Anyone done all this?

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Guest TK-422

For your information, that purple lightsaber texture is not from the beginning cutscene. The cutscenes do not use nay textures that you will find. The cutscenes are allready rendered so there is no need to include textures. The textures are for things that havent been rendered yet, ala a 3d character. This still does nto mean that Ki-Adi is there...it could have been ANOTHER of the programmers numerous mistakes to take it out...bleh...they did a sloppy job wiht this game

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Guest Luke Skywalker

The Code as said on lucasarts.com is UP UP Down down Left right left right X,O start... all this should be entered at the main menu... KI-Adi-Mundi!

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Luke Skywalker, how are you a jedi knight? you only have 14 posts!




Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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Guest Thermal

He's lying Jedi Kenobi. Skywalker seems to like spreading secrets that are obviously wrong. He doesn't seem to have the intelligence to create plausible lies.


As far as the Jedi thing goes, I guess they lowered the required number of posts. I became a Jedi Knight after only about ten or so.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

You guys are stupid, if you were smart you would have noticed that the code i put up is the code for Konami games.. . contra, etc... you guys have no sense of humor.

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