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The funnest part of JPB for Playstation is........

Guest slo poon

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Guest slo poon

The funnest part of JPB for Playstation is the part where I trade it in for a copy of Crazy Taxi. Thank you..... and good night.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Man, where are you guys getting these great deals??


The best we have here is Gamers and FuncoLand, and none have deals that good.

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Guest the13thJedi

I got my copy of FF tactics from a store called "Game Craze". It was like walking into heaven, games lining the walls like wallpaper....


Of Course, I'm broke now, so it'll be awhile before I get back there....

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When I 1st saw this topic, I thought, "Finally! Someone's started a thread to list the good parts of this game!" Then I opened it and saw that all he was saying is that the best thing to do with JPB is trade it in.

Well, I'm gonna list the parts of the game that I like to date(I've only played the normal levels).

First of all, the 2 vehicle sequences were great! Also, I liked the parts where the camera angle made your guy (and the baddies) about 3" tall onscreen. I call those "living action figure" sections. And finally, although I have yet to unlock it, level 13 looks really fun too!



"Bring 'em on! I prefer a straight fight to all this jumpin' around."

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Guest Dave Maul

You mean Gungan Roundup? Ha! It's annoying, only do it if you want to see the concept art (which, actually, is quite interesting and at times humerous).




Dave Maul

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