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Character Modelling Compo cancelled


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The Character Modelling Compo is officially being closed.


For the benefit of those who don't know, the reason for this is because many people here on Jediknightii.net believed that we devised the competition to find a quick and easy way of getting character modellers to join our team. This was however not the case.


Our main goal of the project was to not only allow aspiring young artists to get their name in print in the industry - on something that would be mass-distributed through a respected games magazine - but so the people lucky enough to win got the mod long before anyone else, and recieve a private preview of the mod as a Christmas incentive. We apologise if any of you misinterpreted this as a scam.


We would also like to say that Jedi Apprentice has been shut down temporarily. This however is not due to the above statement, but in fact because our resources are currently needed more on the Phantom Menace TC that Forcefare Productions is also in charge of. As soon as TPMTC is complete, Jedi Apprentice will be back in business.

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