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Low Framerate in my map...but why?


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Ok I've been working on my map, nothing overly spectacular, nothing too big, I've caulked all the things that dont need to be drawn too, but my frame rate is down in the the 20's. I dont understand because on all other maps in Jedi Outcast, my framerate never drops below 60 or 70. Can anyone help?

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also transparancys and large open spaces can kill it too, most shaders lowerthem to, fog is a big one i would check your r_speeds to see if its your level or things in it. and make sure everything is a detail brush. o also how did you caulk the level manually? did you start off with everything caulked and then textured or did you only use autocaulk. also try your map on a diff comp sometimes its your comp displaying the fps wrong

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Originally posted by VIO

also transparancys and large open spaces can kill it too, most shaders lowerthem to, fog is a big one i would check your r_speeds to see if its your level or things in it. and make sure everything is a detail brush. o also how did you caulk the level manually? did you start off with everything caulked and then textured or did you only use autocaulk. also try your map on a diff comp sometimes its your comp displaying the fps wrong


I made my brushes with the texture "caulk_solid" after that I textured the sides of the brushes I needed. BTW I'm using JK2 Radiant MP map.


I'm not sure how to check my R speeds, could you give me a hand?


I beleive I've made my brushes detail brushes, RichDiesel says to select all of the ones not touching the void and press Ctrl + M to make them into detail brushes, thats what I've been doing.


Originally posted by Takeoffyouhoser

did you make most brushes not blocking the void DETAIL ?

Did you use Area Portals in doorways?

Did you use triggers to spawn NPc's or do you have them in-game all from the start?


Detail - check

Area portals - uhm what's an Area portal?

NPC's - none, its a MP map with JK2 Radiant.

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Actually, make all brushes not touching the void is wrong.


You see, make a big box. Make two rooms with no way to see the bigger box, a door, and areaportal the door. Compile and play. You'll note the larger, outer box is still being drawn. Now, make the two room's brushes structural, and the outer box shouldn't be drawn.




Any brush that touches the void and/or forms the walls, floors, and ceilings of a room should be structural.

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