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land vs sea?


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Cruisers are only comparable to artillery like destroyers (sea) are to mounted troopers.

Sea has two main limitations-----most maps are land based, although often you can still use sea on rivers and lakes.

2. Only three of the eight civs are specialized in naval forces.


But for those three civs,-tf, Naboo, and gungans, adv. cruisers are excellent. They can be upgraded to 19 range, 43 attack


(technically it is 23, but it fires two projectiles, unlike the normal cruiser with one that has 30-something attack.)

Advanced cruisers have 180 hp, and significant armor, making them immune to simple attacks of troopers, strikes, and some other units. But (adv)cruisers must always be protected by anti-air destroyers and frigates (adv. preferably) to eliminate risk from air and destroyers and frigates(frigates will kill them eventually if they are unprotected.) Cruisers are not like assualt mechs in cost, they are relatively cheap in my opinion.

First they cost 200 carbon and 150 nova. All sea powers get redoubled efforts for 20% less cost.

Baboo also get taxation for an additional 10% less, and gungans get growth chambers for the combined total of gungans sea reduction of 40%. gungan FU cruisers cost 128 C, and 96 nova, and their frigates cost only 58 C and 13 N.


As you can tell, i like to use sea, and i had nothing to do this morning but ramble on about sea.

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