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Guest Luke Skywalker

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Guest Luke Skywalker

On that post i said you have to press select on Plo to get double bladed maul, I meant to say press select on Mace Windu... Sorry.

And, I also said you must beat the unlocked levels with ALL THE CHARACTERS unlock Anikan Skywalker and Double-bladed Darth Maul.

Now test it out, and be amazed at what you find.

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Guest Darth Wart

I don't even have to fire the playstation up to shoot this one down.


I DID press select several times on every available character when I tried your idea.


You cannot play as any of the characters you've selected when you enter levels 11, 12, or 13. When you select one of these levels, your previous character selection is cancelled and you must complete the level as 11)a droideka, 12) a Kaadu, and 13) a Gungan warrior.


Hence your saying that you've got to complete them as ALL THE CHARACTERS" not only makes no sense; it's not even possible.


Try again, Luke.


I'm ready to go toe-to-toe with you any day on this stuff.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Luke Skywalker

ok buddy, You know those 3 lights that light up when you get a bonus on the level select screen, when you beat the unlocked levels to the satisfaction of the Jedi council (meaning in lightning speed or massive point totals) those 3 will light up, and will have to be lit up for each character, I doubt that you even got any of them lit up because the Jedi Council has not taken kindy to your gameshark ways....

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Guest Darth Wart

Sigh. Here we go again...


As I indicated in a previous string, I make sure that I am not using either "ultimate saber" or my Gameshark when I am testing specious claims such as yours.


Regarding the bonus lights, there is no way to have them light up white:


1. If you're using Amidala, Panaka, or Maul.


2. For any achievement, no matter how grand, on levels 11-14 inclusive.


And don't say it's just 'cause I'm a crummy player: NOBODY here (with credibility) has done it. In fact I believe the Prima guide flatly states it's not possible.


And Luke:


Nobody believes you, and I think you know that. I only test your theories because...well, I guess I'm looking for something to do on summer vacation.


On that subject, why can't you come up with some wittier red herrings? I'm sure you have it in you.


You know, when I first started out on this board, I used to post the kind of b.s. claims you're posting, but the difference is that mine weren't MALICIOUSLY false, just (I believe) HUMOROUSLY false.


For your edification, I have gone into the archives of this forum and dug up what I believe to be my very first post on the JPB forum:


Originally posted by Darth Wart:

At the very end of the Tatooine level, when you're fighting Darth Maul, try this: go behind the rock pillar on the right of the screen. Stay there for a second. Darth with follow you. Just at the moment he gets to you, come out from behind the pillar and konk him on the head (R1 + Triangle). If you've done the level right, he'll turn around, lift up his robes, and MOON YOU! I couldn't believe it, folks. I mean, this is an adventure game, right? What are the programmers doing showing us his little red ass for (and it is indeed red, although apparently without spikes). Furthermore, this makes no sense in the context of this battle. To be frank, it seems postitively un-Jedi-like. I mean, why would Maul expose himself to danger in such a puerile way? (Note: if you're quick, you can get a couple of swipes in before he turns around and starts fighting normally again.) Let me know what you guys think of this bug: honestly, you've got to see it to believe it.


Now that's style. Try it.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest liquidkid

WAITRESS!!! suacer of milk... table 2 wink.gif


i got ur back, wart. this guy is so obviously lieing. it's ridiculous to even entertain the idea that his claims are accurate.







-UNcouncil Master of Insults, Supreme Chancelor's Hitman, All Around Bully.


P.L.U.R. <> J9K-4-LIFE <> JEDI-4-LIFE <> MCL

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Uhmm, i was fighting MAUL on level 5, and I did what you said, behind the rock with the force move, and Darth Maul reaches into his pocket pulls out a phat bubbler packs it with the greenest dank you have eevr seen sits down indian style and lights one up, I to thought this was an adventure game. SNAP!

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Ahhhh!!! Bluh! Ack ack. Yurg nog twiglte.

A bantha makes love to a whomprat then takes a dump. How much does this dump weigh?


a. 3lbs

b. 7lbs

C. 13lbs

d. 27lbs



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Guest Sith Lord Rage

I would have to say 27 Barnabas.




Formerly Maul, Sith Lord

"At last we have had our revenge"

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