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The 137th Imperial Irregulars WANTS YOU!


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I am proud to present this letter to all Imperial citizens who want a chance at life. This letter is from my superior officer, Commander Elias Tolvan.



Greetings fellow loyal citizens of the Galactic Empire!


Allow me to introduce myself, I am Commander Elias Tolvan of the Imperial Army. I come to you today to seek parties that are dedicated to the preservation of peace through firm control and vigilance. I have recently been asked by Imperial High Command to fullfil a duty, I must create a military unit that is trained to be superior in every way compared to the average Imperial soldier. My troops are to be more intelligent, more agile, have better tactical sense, and work better as a team than any previous Imperial unit. However, the construction of the unit itself is not my only task. I am also required by my superiors to construct a base to house my unit, and make this facility as self sufficient as possible. Therefore, not only will I need dedicated and skilled soldiers, I will also require the aid of many support staff, anything from miners and weapons manufacturers to architects and image designers. To this end, I submit a request to any and all loyal Imperial subjects who believe they have the skill, the will, and the mind to be the best that the Imperial Army has to offer, I need you, and the Empire needs you.


OCC. I am founding this PA along with a few of my RL friends to do a few things. One, we love the Empire, we like to be the bad guys, but not always act like it, you know the unwitting accomplice to evil so to speak. Two, we seek to create a player town, now I know and everyone else knows that this is a GREAT undertaking. What I'm trying to do is get enough (50 at the VERY LEAST) players into the PA before the game is released, then, hopefully, we will have enough members to generate the needed capital as quickly as possible. We will then buy our houses, place them and form the town. These are just my basic aims, there is going to be a lot and I mean A LOT of additional developement of the PA and its plans as SWG approaches its release date (i.e. more info available to base our plans on). I've seen plenty of guilds and PAs vanish into oblivion and disappear, even ones with great goals and aims, because they lacked organization and dedication. I am going to do everything within my power to make sure that this PA is organized in its operations and activities at all times, with the help of its members. On a similar note, many PAs have collapsed because of the inactivity of its members, another thing I will try desperate to avoid, but then, in the end it is up to you, the prospective members as to how that turns out. So i wish to clarify what kind of people I wish to join this PA: I want people (and characters) who wish to be Imperial Army. Any proffesion is welcome since they will all be valuable in the administration and operation of the town. I want dedicated individuals who are willing to put forth an effort to help the PA and themselves do better, that doesn't mean I want fanatical hardcore players who spend half of their waking hours in front of the computer, just people willing to participate and put forth good effort for the cause. Probably the most important of all (aside from maybe the Imperial prerequesit, as that is definitely what we will declare the PA) I want ROLEPLAYERS. Above all this is a roleplaying guild, thats why I introduced this thread the way I did. I want people with a genuine love of the Star Wars Galaxy who just what to be a part of it, living, working, fighting, and dying(hopefully not to much of that) in a fantastic place inhabited by heros and villians of legend. I want you, the propective members of this PA, to want to be a person in this world, acting, speaking, and feeling like you belong here. Thats my idea of fun, and if its your idea to, then please, join my PA, in the hopes that I and my friends can help immerse you in this world, and make your gaming experience all the more satisfying for it. If you like what I've told you so far, and you are interested or even just curious, then I've got a few more things to tell you. Since the game is so far from release, our PA is only in its initial stage of developlement. As of today, I have applied for a public PA forum provided by Stratics, if you go to the PA forum index, you should be able to find The 137th Imperial Irregulars' forum within 3 days of this post. Post any questions you have as to the purpose, direction, or plans of the PA, or anything else you can think to ask me, and I will do my best to answer them. Also, one of my friends is currently in the process of setting up our website, it is still under construction and will probably not be up for a few weeks, we have lives outside of the game to! When it is up, I hope to put any and all relevant information regarding the PAs aims, status, members, activities, and roleplaying stories that the members mail to me. Well, I think that covers all the bases. If you have any questions, are interested in joining the PA, post some replies on the Thread, or if my PAs forum is up and running, query me there. Finally, if the website is up, take a gander at any info you might be interested in. Like I said, post replies to this thread if you are interested, or you can email me directly at beorn_moria@hotmail.com (though I think my email is displayed anyway), and once our forum is up, stop by and give me a buzz there. This PA is here to help everyone involved have a better time than they could have possibly had alone while playing the fantastic (hopefully) Roleplaying game that we are all so excited to get a crack at.

Cheers! and thanks for reading this post!



Contact me at uuuuuu666@yahoo.com for more info or go to http://www.stratics.net/php-bin/forums/guilds/swg/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=137pub.


We will be waiting for you....


Join us, and you will never regret it.

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