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Strategy guide: Level Seven Ruins (preliminary)

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart



I’ll write a more detailed strategy in a couple of days. For now, here’s the critical trick:


Once you get to the first bridge, touch the checkpoint and leap into the abyss WITHOUT GOING TO THE OTHER SIDE. When you're resurrected in that exact same spot, work your way back into the pit with all the computers and kill all those guys again. Just don’t cross the bridge until you’re finished.


This is a tricky backtrack; you've got to make sure you live until you get to the NEXT checkpoint (after the bridge) for it to work, but if it does, your points will be through the roof.


One problem: sometimes program glitches stick you in that pit with all the computers and the camera won't scroll you out. This happens about half the time, I'd say, and I don't know how to do anything about it. Occasionally I get the program to scroll me out by pressing diagonally to the lower right of the screen, but this is hardly reliable.


In my opinion this is the most serious glitch in a program infamous for its glitches.


Kill the kreetles methodically, one at a time as they approach you. NEVER allow them to gang up on you or you might never escape. And don’t dismiss them as unworthy of your Jedi attentions, either. Each one is worth 100 points, same as a droid. Make sure the swipe you’re using touches the ground, though, or you may find yourself swinging haplessly through the air while they eat off your feet.


Lock onto them, but NOT near a tree; that’ll throw everything off.


The trees, incidentally, are utterly invincible, lock-on ring nonwithstanding.



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