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PROMOD MediaPak 1


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theres an annoyng problem with the tyrion model that needs to be fixed before it is re-released... when you dismember the arms on the un-robed jedi, it shows his arm as robed, and viceversa. im sure this is easy to repair, but i think would help keep the quality of the pak to its highest standards. :D

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Originally posted by Wolf Devil

Syfo, Jerec was not a Sith, but a dark Jedi. There's a difference. And no, a cape couldn't be added as an alternate skin, it would require an alternate model :rolleyes: .


Edit: I can do the bot paths for any maps requiring them aswell


Oh, Moi, Moi, I love you! Messa your humble servant!


I know Bespin Towers would be first on that list. I could probably find some others as well. Is it a big task to add the BOT routes?


Regarding Jerek: Okay, I stand corrected -Dark Jedi... I'll have to do some research on that. I always had figured they used the that term because the word Sith was never used in the original Star Wars movies until Ep 1 came out -which was after JK1.


Anyway, are you the one responsible for Jerec, Wolf Devil? Nice work! You know you could probably use Count Dooku's model for a caped version -just a thought. I always thought Jerec's cape looked cool with that red symbol that along the edge.


In terms of a release date? I do not know. I hope soon, and I can't see any reason why it should take very long. It's just a matter of ArtifeX deciding what he likes, and putting it together in a file. I can send him any of the files listed. I don't think it is required of the servers to support the Media Pak. Personally, I think it should at least be STRONGLY encouraged.


I think it'll be cool to see enough maps that games don't get boring from the same maps over and over again, and enough models/skins that each player can have something a little different and unique for themselves. Plus, many of them have custom sounds/taunts which does nothing for gameplay, but helps keep things new and fresh. And everyone will see each other's charactor too. It's always a bummer when you are using Vader or Maul and everyone else sees another Kyle Katarn!

I'm really looking forward to this.

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What the... I had nothin to do with Jerec other than killin him in DF2:JK (and changing around his sounds and the bot files... AFTER release)!!! I was just commenting that for a caped version of Jerec would require an entirely new model, and I've mentioned to Madjai that the red symbols on the straps and the straps themselves were part of the cape.


As for Bespin Tower: Show me where it is, I'll download, explore, and path it


Dark Jedi VS Sith: Jerec, Boc, Gorc, Pic, Sariss, Yun, Maw, Desann and Tavion have all been referred to as dark Jedi, not Sith. I've asked the Jedi Council (on the official site) if there was a difference between a Dark Jedi and a Sith or if it was just LEC screw up, but I've yet to seen it answered. I think the following possibilities are: 1) Sith = always evil, Dark Jedi = fallen Jedi, 2) Sith and dark Jedi have a different connection to the dark side, 3) the word "Sith" is not known of after the Galactic Empire had arisen

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

Don't forget to email the authors of every single file you include asking for permission.


Ugh! geeeezzzz...I just knew this was going to come up...:(


Okay, here's the deal. I have no intentions of asking for 'permission' for any file. It would be great to have the author's 'blessing', but it's not necessary -and neither is 'permission'. All of these maps, mods, skins, models, and whatever ("MODS") are derivative works. If the author has any issues about certain people or conditions for which their MOD should not be used, then they really had no business releasing it in the first place. It's public domain now -in a way. There is one and ONLY ONE entity who controls any JO MOD's ONCE they are released -and that is LucasArts. You can read the License agreement for yourself if you'd like - I'm paraphrasing, but I'm not making anything up.


MODS are 'shady' in general. I can't think of any MOD I've seen that included the author's full name AND home address. Usually, you get an alias and an Email. Also, many mods use other copyrighted material -which is expressly NOT allowed. I don't think anyone polices these MOD web sites looking for Darth Vader samples, which is a good thing because I am sure they know that they would find them. They don't look for them because they obviously know that it's just 'fans' having harmless fun, and although copyrights are being violated, it does more harm than good to enforce them in these cases. So I believe they must turn a 'blind eye' to all of this.


Such is not the case in some domains. I've seen nasty letters that people have received for having a web site containing images which bare the likeness of the Simpsons, for example. In these situations you are TOLD that you WILL remove them from your site and submit the material over to FOX.


Let's not get greedy here, Detritic. We've got a good thing going. Let's keep it that way. If this were the music industry it would be 'lawsuit city'. It's buIIsh1t! Let's NOT go there. If an author of a MOD feels they need to retain control of their work, technically they should have never created it to begin with. But the next best course of action would be simply NOT to release it to the public. Because once that is done, the cat is out of the bag.


I feel that ethics DO come into play here. I object to anyone claiming to have authored someone elses work. I also feel strongly, that credit be given to the author. And that information is legally mandated anyway.


Just to put this into perspective, let's remember WHY these MODs exist in the first place: It showcases talent, and allows us to have communities like this one, or Massassi, and many many others. None of these would exist if the MODs didn't exist. So let's enjoy them for what they are, and leave it at that.


I REALLY REALLY hope that this issue has been put to bed, and that little more will be written about it...

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well i must say you said that pretty well syfo... On a lot of threads i've read... especially related to pro mod there is one person who shall remain nameless who seems to try to create trouble. I'm glad you wrote such a good response to that and hopefully people might learn to support the community a bit better

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if you use peoples models and maps you should include who did each map with their email address in the readme.


If someone used one of my models in their mod I would like to know about. People are idiots and if you don't include who did what everyone will think it was done by one person. Ifsome other mod team/game company liked a model/level in the mod and wanted to know who did it, all they have to do is look in the readme.


As far as permission I don't think you need it, its just common courtesy to let the authors know your using their work. I would expect someone to email notifying me that they are using my model in their mod.

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There will be a readme file in the Media Pack that will contain a list of all the contents, and their respective authors/artists if I know who they are. Credit will be given if at all possible.


I'm not just going to throw together a bunch of other peoples' work and call it my own. I'm just trying to sift through the loads of community content out there, determine what is really worthwhile, and compile it into one nice, neat package that anyone, regardless of how familiar they are with the game, can download and enjoy.

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Regardless of legality, the only stuff I would EVER include in some of my projects without specifically contacting the author for their approval is work which has been specifically put in the public domain as editing resources.


maps, models, skins etc aren't usually intended as resources for mappers/modders but rather as end products, which is why its POLITE to ask permission. Screw legality, its "legality" which is making everyone sue everyone else to make pennies.


The system I (and all the editors I know personally) use is as follows:


- If the file(s) have been released as resources, ie textures, shaders etc. Credit the author in the readme file

- If the file(s) have been released as end-products, ie maps, skins, models etc. E-mail the author and ask for permission, even though I'm legally allowed to use their work without permission, I won't.

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Hey Wolf Devil,

I'm planning on releasing a new soundpack for the Jerec model (which I would like to have included in the mediapack rather than what's there now). Perhaps you'd like to compare notes and see what we can come up with? PM me if interested.


Edit: Btw, the issue about the "inaccuracies" of the Jerec model has been brought up quite a few times. I probably should have included it in the readme, but the Jerec we created is in no way meant to be a replication of the cutscene Jerec. We used a combination of in-game Jerec, concept art Jerec, and the face of the actor who played Jerec. If we meant to be totally accurate, he'd be quite a bit chunkier, balding, and you'd be able to see his eyes through the "blindfold" :)

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

maps, models, skins etc aren't usually intended as resources for mappers/modders but rather as end products,


JK and JO are 'end products', yet we don't think twice about hacking in to them. JK didn't even come with the tools or have a special area for mods.


Regardless of original intention, I take more of an 'open source' attitude. I view all mods as 'works in progress'. If you can improve it in some way or do something special with it, I think you should.


Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

Screw legality, its "legality" which is making everyone sue everyone else to make pennies.


Like everything, copyright has it's place. But by-enlarge I see your point and agree with you. This notion of "Intellectual Property" is ridiculous, and ultimatly will do more harm than good.


Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

even though I'm legally allowed to use their work without permission, I won't.


I can certainly respect that.

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Originally posted by inbredyokel

Edit: Btw, the issue about the "inaccuracies" of the Jerec model has been brought up quite a few times. I probably should have included it in the readme, but the Jerec we created is in no way meant to be a replication of the cutscene Jerec. We used a combination of in-game Jerec, concept art Jerec, and the face of the actor who played Jerec. If we meant to be totally accurate, he'd be quite a bit chunkier, balding, and you'd be able to see his eyes through the "blindfold" :)


Yes, I know, you told me that on jk2files.com (I was the chanting guest :D). I guess somehow I was expecting him to be more game-like... Ingame he looked kinda cool.. I woulda played with him in JK MP but I don't like the idea of being bald and old :p . I've never seen any concept art so I'm not too sure what came from them, as for the face of the actor: I didn't know Christopher Neame has a gray spot under his nose and when you backed off from him he looked like he had cat lips :) . Or that you could grate cheese on his face. But despite the ingame flaws, it's a wonderful model and I'll enjoy killing its bot (which I've edited) or those playing with him.


I have a few questions, but I suppose that can wait for e-mail/IM

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Originally posted by Wolf Devil


Yes, I know, you told me that on jk2files.com (I was the chanting guest :D). I guess somehow I was expecting him to be more game-like... Ingame he looked kinda cool.. I woulda played with him in JO MP but I don't like the idea of being bald and old :p . I've never seen any concept art so I'm not too sure what came from them, as for the face of the actor: I didn't know Christopher Neame has a gray spot under his nose and when you backed off from him he looked like he had cat lips :) . Or that you could grate cheese on his face. But despite the ingame flaws, it's a wonderful model and I'll enjoy killing its bot (which I've edited) or those playing with him.


I have a few questions, but I suppose that can wait for e-mail/IM


Um, ok, I guess you needed to insult me there. Let me address these issues of yours:

1. There's a gray spot under his nose? Please do show me where on the skinmaps I placed a gray spot under his nose.

2. The problem with the lips has nothing to do with the model, it's jedi outcast's screwy lighting. It's the same reason that the Tyrion model has a faint "V" shape on his forehead.

3. I don't really get the whole deal with the cheese grating..maybe cheese graters are shaped like faces where you come from?

Well, if the model is so awful, I guess you can make a better one, right? Anyway, I don't know if you're trying to mess with me or what, but according to your email my soundpack is terrible while yours is somehow better, even though yours is exactly the same as the original in every way.

But all sarcasm aside, I'd ask that neither Artifex nor Syfo-Dyas accept any edits to the Jerec model from this guy. He's been nothing but rude and insulting towards me.

Anyway, I'll drop it since this is way OT(sorry bout that). If you guys would still like to include Jerec in your mediapak, just send me a PM with your email and I'll get him to you with the completed soundpack.

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I had no intention of insulting you, I was just admiting it's not perfect. If I wanted to insult you, from the beginning I would have gone "OMFG!!!!!!! This is s***!!! This aint what I wanted!!! It's f***in stupid!! You're the worst modeler in the world, it's f***in disgusting!!! I mean GOD!!! I've seen n00b mini-mods with more talent than this!!!!!". However you will note that I never said any of that before now because none of it is true. As for the bein rude part.. well, I woulda done pretty much all of the above only I'd say it mean :).

1&2: They're both JO light related, I found this out a little while ago in a duel when the bot was packing in and out of the light.

3: Never mind

The model is not awful, but like I said it's not perfect either, and no I can't make a better model, but that does not mean I can't point out certain flaws/things I was confused or was wondering about. And I didn't say your soundpack was awful, I just said it sounded weird and I didn't say it was better, I just said I... I didn't even have a chance to say anything about it since you didn't comment on it. Also my soundpack is NOT the same in every way. Jerec's sounds didn't need to be changed, they needed to be rearranged, in my opinion. Oh and..

Originally posted by Wolf Devil

But DESPITE the ingame flaws, it's a wonderful model

And as a final note, I aint even giving the pack anything, edited, created or otherwise, I've only made suggestions of levels, models and skins.

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