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Tatooine!! Grrrrrr.....Help!

Guest NovaJM

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Guest NovaJM

I know many of you are discussing other things right now, BUT I'M STUCK!


I can't get past the jumping canyon!! Any secrets or techniques I need to know? I'm playing in two player mode and ARGH! Which should I use? the walking pad or the toggle stick thingy?


Any help here would be hot!!





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Guest Thermal

The best advice i think there is for that level (and Coruscant too) is to just taker your time. There's no time limit, so you have to just block every shot carefully and jump in between the enemies attacks. It's definitely a hard one though.

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Guest Hand Solo

I find the long range force attack to be pretty handy on this level as well.






Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

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Guest 84Elan

Take your time and deal with enemies one at a time take care of the prob droids as soon as you here them. your long range force attacks do work but most of the time the riflmen will nail you before you can get it off so it is best to block and look for a pattern in their firing. Watch wait and then when you have an openning move and killem.


That is the only thing I can say i have not played two players but I can bet you money that it is twice as hard no dought.

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Guest NovaJM

*Deep Breath*

*breath in, breath out*


Okay, I have been taking my time, think I will have to be just a little more patient. Ok so does Plo's force lightning work? I've been trying but he always shoots to low. And can his long range power go as far as Mace's saber throwing trick?


Sorry to be so full of questions.

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Guest Darth Wart

DON'T use Plo's lightning during this section, as:


1. It only hits stuff on the ground.


2. It frequently fails to hit something smack dab in front of you, even after repeated usage.


Plo's "special weapon" (L2 + S) can be useful here, if you have them, since he can't be blown out of the air while it's on. The problem with this is that using it encourages you to hurry through this section, which is a no-no.


There is no reason to lock on to anybody during this sequence (as Plo); it'll mess up your jumping.


Lemme tell you that when I first did this, I GOT SO ANGRY that I went back to the store to return JPB and get my money back. Considering the poor quality of the controls and your inability to accurately guage depth perception, I felt the game didn't have the "right" to include a jumping challenge like this.


The store was closed, though, so I kept the game.


(Currently having a hell of a time with TPM for PC, though. Already given myself a migrane today.)






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:



[This message has been edited by Darth Wart (edited May 10, 2000).]

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Guest Thermal

I bought TPM for PPC the day it came out and had gone through it by the next night. Never did touch it again.


JPB is a MUCH better game design than TPM, but at least TPM doesn't have the annoying bugs and bad control.

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Guest ShadeShifter

One way to help judge jumps is to watch your shadow. It will tell you if your over the platform.




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Guest DarthGohan1016

Nova-I found that the reason I kept dieing on the jumping part,was because I was trying way too hard and getting way to mad when I died, so after I quit trying so hard I did it, now I can do it easy as cake, I have a question for you though, Iam also playing as Plo and iam on level 6, but I was wondering what you had to do to get plo's lightning power?

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Guest Pizza the Hutt

My advice for all jumping sections is to *not* double-jump unless it's absolutely necessary. Nine times out of 10 you'll get nailed on the double-jump. When you *do* have to double-jump, wait until you are descending to do it. If you hit the jump button at the height of your first jump, you're a sitting duck, but enemies are less apt to shoot you if you wait until you're at the bottom of the jump. This is especially helpful on the Coruscant level.

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Guest ShadeShifter

To get his lightning power, you have to get the third bonus in level 2. You can backtrack in the level to get more points, or you can keep killing those blasted mites when you face the boss.




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Guest Darth Killa

Man the best info yet is watch your shadow when you jump and jump when your not getting shot at. With this I in mind I beat Warts challenge in that level. I went through it with out touching a soul. Now i ahve a few more to do to get the pin =(.

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Guest NovaJM

I am Soooo Glad I'm not the only one that gets red in the face when I die in this level!! biggrin.gif


Ok so when I get home, I will TAKE my time. I think I'm going to try his stim pack for the jumps, because I always have 3 by the time I get there.


And I'm going to try everyone's advice. Going through this with two people is sooo hard!! Sometimes you both have to jump at the same time just to keep both characters in the screen.


Now that I think about it and after I read many of the threads, I shouldn't have started with Plo. redface.gif Oh well.


But gosh darnit! I'm going to make it through this jump!


Darth Gohah, I got my force lightning on Level Two. That means you got to go through the Swamps of Naboo all over again And gain enough points. But this has become my most frequent power used, because the tornado thing sometimes does squat!


So do any of you during the jumps use the Toggle stick or the walk buttons?



[This message has been edited by NovaJM (edited May 10, 2000).]

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Guest ShadeShifter

I always use the walk buttons. I don't like how the stick works in JPB.




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Guest ihatecrosswinds

My brother and I beat the Tatooine jumping sequence the other day, and only lost one credit doing it. The trick is to definitly take you time, and do not over-jump. Most of the jumps only require one jump, not two. Also, I found it helpful to have one person block the bullets while the other jumps. Hope this helps.






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Guest Fenix

There were some parts that I thought you had to jump onto those darn small platforms. Instead I stayed along the cliff edge and it made it ALOT easier. But an artifact is out of the way, so I had to go back.





"I am the light that cuts through the darkness."

-Fenix, wielder of the Spirit Blade

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Guest DarthGohan1016

NOva-I also started the game with Plo and I think hes the best one, hes might be a little slow, but Ive learned to beat Maul easily with him, I mean on the 5th level not on last one yet, anyways I cant wait to get his lightning power so thanks

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Guest NovaJM

WE DID IT!!! Yay!!! Thanks to all of you!




Now got to get the Armadillo.


DarthGohan, Yes I went back and played as Quigon and I agree, I like Plo Better despite his slowness. He blocks much faster than Qui, IMHO. smile.gif OK This weekened I'm going to beat Tatooine! I Hope *sigh* then off to Coruscant!



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