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Sniper Startegy


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Well I've recently been adicted to CTF and have found out how awesome it is to be a sniper. Here a couple of the tips I've used to enhance my skill.


1. Invisible Sniper- my personal favorite

-this is tricky to do on some maps but it works great on bespin and warring factions. First find a spot where you can see the enemies base and make sure you have mind trick lvl 3. Now simply camp out with your sniper and full ammo, apply mind trick and start sniping. Make sure you frequently refresh the mind trick incase of newly spawned enemies that will now be able too see you.


2.Dodging Sniper

-a pretty basic stategy, but make sure you use it all the time. This is a tactic to use against enemy snipers sniping you. Enable Seeing lvl 3 and the snipers will not be able to hit you, you'll dodge it everytime. Also as a bonus you can see through walls so you know who's coming.


Those are my two big strategies but here are some useful tips

-make sure you take the shot as soon as you have, you may not get another shot if the guys jumping or running.

-If an enemy has at least 25 shield and 100 health you will not be able to kill him in one shot. If its not a 1 hit ko fire right again with out charging up, the little quick shot will finish them off, but they be'll moving out of the way by now so do it quick.

-be aware of who's around you, or they'll stab you in the back while your looking through the scope.

Hope these are useful but reply with your sniper tactics too.

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k, the most usefull tactic you will ever learn as a pro-sniper is to snipe -while- moving.


try this, run forward and jump, then while in mid-air let go of all keys and hit the secondary sniper attack to zoom and aim, then hold down the primary fire to charge your shot for as long as you desire, whilst at the same time, maintaining your aim on your target. then either take the shot in the air, or wait til you land to take the shot.


this is usefull if under fire, as you can jump to avoid the enmy shots and take him out when he doesnt expect it.


also usefull for sniper v sniper as most other snipers will take stationary shots, so you can move making yourself a harder target, whilst at the same time preparing and taking your shot.


thanks to detritic-IQ for that tactic ( i dunno if he invented it, but he taught me it.)


also never over-use the same snipe-spot, as most experienced players will catch on to you and annhialate you.

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1. Since in CTF I use seeing most of the time (always if I'm staying mostly in one place) "invisible sniper" strategy wouldn't work against me. I also use seeing when going for the flag (on ctf_ns_streets).


2. Seeing doesn't stop sniper shots if you're jumping or if someone else is distracting you (pull/push or another sniper or anyone with any weapon shoots you at almost the same time, but slightly before).

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