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i need professional help!

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I know it sounds stupid, but i'm still playing JPB. Not cause i like it (i like to refer to the game as Jedi Power Glitches), but because I'm not gonna quit til i finish it! it has to do with pride. I'm not gonna let this stupid game beat me.




About the help i need:

At te end of the coruscant level, when you hop onto a taxi that comes flying underneath you, and go towards a low bridge that pushes you right of, where the hell do i jump? I read Darth Wart's walkthrough, and he said something about a whitish part on some blue building????????




Help me before i go mad and they have to lock me up again!

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Guest Dave Maul

Okay, the taxi travels in a North-West direction. You have to jump in a North-EAST direction to the side of a building, about 5 metres away from the bridge.


Hope this helps, it's been a while since I played...

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I know what you mean now.

I actually tried jumping there already but i failed 5 times in a row so i thought there was some invisible wall, cause i could have sworn i could have grabbed the ledge.


now i'll have to play the entire level again.




Just figured out i lose less lives when i run through the lavel like a madman, avoiding any confrontation with baddies.

the level doesnt take me more than 5 mins now.



Ugly white guy, here i come! :mad:

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