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How to remotely change game type


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I have looked for RCON commands to remotely change the game type (ie. from Duel to FFA), but I have failed to find the correct one.


Does anyone know how to do this?


Also, along the lines of remote commands, anyone know how to change Friendly Fire on/off, turn on/off the ability for voting, and any other useful ones?


About the only ones I know are making map changes, status, and kicking clients by number or name.


Thank you for any assistance.

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I still am hoping there is some way to remotely change the game type, enable/disable voting and enable/disable friendly fire...


Any one know?


I am most interested in knowing how to change the game type.



Thank you for any assistance.

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1st u will have to set a rcon password

in your server.cfg


add this line

seta rconpassword "PASSWORD"


friendly fire on :

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_friendlyFire 1"

allow voting :

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_allowvote 1"



this below is a part of a FAQ ive made for my 'admins'



how can i change the gametype ?

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_gametype NUMBERID"



0=Free For All


2=Jedi Master


4=Capture the Flag

5=Team Free For All

8=Capture the Ysalimari

example set it to FFA :

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_gametype 0"


How can i change force settings ?

by default its set to NF

but u want ff ? simple to allow FF type

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_forcepowerdisable 0"

nf again ?

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_forcepowerdisable 262143"


how can i change the forcemastery level ?

by default its set to Jedi Master (sugjested settings)

but if u want u can change it to any level u like doing like this

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_maxForceRank NUMBER"

NUMBER can be 1-7 (lowest to highest)

to set it back to jedi master

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_maxForceRank 7"


how can i change weapons settings ?

by default its set to saber only to allow all weapons type

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_weaponDisable 0"

to set back to saber only type

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_weaponDisable 65531"


i wanna know more about force and weapons disabling can u help me ?

sure :) lets start with force has u know u have to type

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_forcepowerdisable CODE"

now u wanna know what CODE to place ?

here is how its works


0 - allow all

1 - heal

2 - jump

4 - speed

8 - push

16 - pull

32 - mind trick

64 - grip

128 - lighthing

256 - darkrage

512 - protect

1024 - absorb

2048 - team heal

4096 - team energize

8192 - drain

16384 - seeing

32768 - saber attack

65536 - saber defence

131072 - saber throw

262143 - disable all


so all u have to do is chose to power u DONT want

so an example of disabling mindtrick and protect

(mindtrick = 32) + (protect = 512) = 544

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_forcepowerdisable 544"

this will disable mindtrick and protect :)


ewww Siths !!! take it easy

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_forcepowerdisable 12736"

hehe no more dark side powers


jump only ?

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_forcepowerdisable 262141"


same principle applys for the weapons (g_weaponDisable)


0 - allow all

4 - stun baton

8 - pistol

16 - rifle

32 - disruptor

64 - bow

128 - repeater

256 - imp gun

516 - flechets

1024 - rockets

2048 - thermal

4096 - trip mines

8192 - detpack

65531 - saber only


another example , disable rockets and disruptor : 1024+32 = 1056

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_weaponDisable 1056"


trip mine madness ? (trip mine only)

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_weaponDisable 61435"


warning sniper ! (sniper only)

\rcon "PASSWORD" "set g_weaponDisable 65499"


ok thanks we done playing how do i shut it down ?

\rcon "PASSWORD" "quit"

note : this will send a server disconected error msg to u and any conected member

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