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Is JPB good on the DC?

Guest Saesee Tom

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Guest Darth_Chaos

WEll it has a few bug and all I give it a rating of 8 out of 10 I say get it, It's worth the money.


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Guest Darth_Simpson



It depends actually. If you didn't like the PSX version, this version is not much different. It's the exact same game. If you really liked the game, I suppose you could buy it.


I don't know much about bug improvement, because I never played the PSX version much. The game still has some problems though, but I've never noticed anything major...some clipping problems, the control can sometimes be a bit slow...


The graphics are improved, as you would suspect when a game ports from PSX to another platform. Runs smooth, I've never noticed a slowdown!



Well, the versus mode blows, the training missions isn't very good, but you have to complete them to get Ki-Adi. I don't know about any other additions from the PSX version!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I broke down this weekend and bought the DC version because I had so much fun on the PSX version - despite glitches. I've found several problems others were reporting with the DC version were not present in my copy and I'm pretty happy with the game as a whole.


1) Ki-Adi is fun to play with and I didn't think he was a wuss at all compared to Plo and Adi Gallia. It's a little too easy to beat Maul with him though b/c you can just repeatedly use your saber throw on him and never have to fight up close and personal.


2) Wart, I did not see the glitch with the snow fall on either of the levels you reported.


3) All of the secret characters for versus mode have unlocked easily for me as I played through with Obi-wan, so I don't know why others had problems.


4) Game play has been improved to get rid of ridiculous things on levels 4-6.


5) They shouldn't have deleted the max out white circles on level select screen because I can't remember where I failed to max with Ki-Adi.


6) Versus mode isn't great, but it's not a total bust either as reported.


7) Level 8 sucks even worse than the first time around.


8) The programmers claim to have put more secrets and codes into the game but I haven't found any codes yet that work. Please post them if you have them.

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Wart, I noticed that you thought double-bladed Maul sucked. I only have him unlocked in versus mode because I haven't played through with Qui-Gon yet. Maul looks good on versus mode - he seems to have 4-5 new saber swings, and not just the AAY one you reported. Does this only go for versus mode? Is he the crappy old Maul in regular gameplay? For example, run + Y is new, Y is a swing he had, but not when you simply pushed Y, and two or three of the combos had new moves besides AAY, including the long one where he inexplicably does that standing-on-his-tippy-toes thing with his lightsaber straight in front of him. What gives?

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