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NPC Scripting help I need urgent!!


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thanks but im having a problem. the behave ed program has some problem. whenever i add an event, the properties in the script flow screen says "Include error!" and down the bottom where it shows all these loaded files and stuff, everything is "failed". it goes C:\Program Files\Lucasarts\Jedi Knight 2 Outcast\Gamedata\Tools\SourceForBehavEd\whateverfile.h"! Please help me.

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everything is "failed". it goes C:\Program Files\Lucasarts\Jedi Knight 2 Outcast\Gamedata\Tools\SourceForBehavEd\whateverfi


If I remember correctly, and so it seems clear enough, you should check that SourceForBehavEd -directory, as I don't think that's the right name (path). It's something like gamesource or similar to that in your tools folder. You will recognize those files BehaveEd is missing in that folder.


And I also have a C/C++ compiler installed, but it has nothing to do with this problem. So, just direct BehavEd to the right directory and you should be singing once again.

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