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Demolition:2nd opinions

Guest BriGer

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What does everyone think about the demos? I only watched the demo on the Official Playstation Magazine's demo disc. The graphics are blocky, the animation is stiff. Levels looked a bit 2d. Sure it's a car but that doesn't mean it doesn't have to be flat levels. Twisted Metal 4 had good upper levels action if nothing else. I probably will buy it when it comes out, give it a quick run and return it if necessary. Faster then waiting for a review. Would anyone who responds to this refrain from saying "It's the worst game ever" without placing a valid reason. Keep in mind the game is not done yet and so the things listed above might be worked out by the release date. I fully expect Acid to say that they won't be. Anyway, if you don't like car combat games then don't post on topics about them, just ignore the presence of this post. If you don't like the genre then don't waste your time.

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Guest Dave Maul

Yeah, but that was the PlayStation version. Hopefully, the DC version will take advantage of the console's power and add more frames of animation.




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Take advantage of the dreamcast's power? It's not a question of power. I know the playstation's limits, the stiffness was lack of effort put into them, not lack of power to back it up. The dreamcast supports better graphics and framerate. Demolition didn't seem like it had a good framerate. There wasn't that much to slow it down. If Demolition was shipped like this and had 8 people fighting it out and it had a touch of lag then that is because it was programmed by monkeys. The Playstation could support that and more. The only reason the dreamcast version would have better animations would be they spent more time on it. I also found it very reminicent of the Vigilante 8 series which is not a good thing. Are these programmers aware that their engine sucks? Twisted Metal 4's engine would be a safer bet. For all you non-technical people, TM4's engine being good has nothing to do with the fact that the gameplay sucked. The engine has to do with looks, speed and stuff like that, not including fun factor.

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