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Kill, Team, Cap Messages From Console??

Darth Cont¡nent

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Hi all, this is related to my Kill Tracker thread further down the page. Threads which refer to that certain programming language seem to not get viewed much, so in this thread I will refrain from mentioning that Very Bad language altogether!


So, I have this kill tracker which I've modified, which was originally written in that nasty language.


I'm trying to track not just kill messages, but also team-related messages (e.g. player joins the RED or BLUE team) and flag-related ones (player steals or returns the RED or BLUE flag).


Can someone tell me how to snag these messages from the console? The code I have already gets the kill messages, so assuming the team and flag messages show up in the same window handle, I should be able to snag them similarly... right? .:confused: :confused:


Please help, in exchange for good help I'll post some psychedelic images my graphics card produced the other day when I was playing the Bespin map. :D

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