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Your opinions of X-Wing Alliance, quick!

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

I'm about to head off to the mall with 45$ to buy a new game for my PC (TPM blows).


I'm eyeing X-Wing Alliance; what are your opinions?


Note: when I play I like to blow stuff up and kill people mostly. I do not enjoy mental challenges such as "Now where can I find the key for that door I saw back there...?" Guns and explosions, mostly.


Please string quickly; I'm about to leave.


Will I be disappointed? If so, you got any better ideas?

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Guest Darth_Chaos

Hey man I bought the game and I love it!!

I beat it and I'm a Jedi Master plus I got some patches so my opinion is that you should defently buy it!!!



Dark Lord of the Sith Order Sith Apprentice. 1_bg.html


At last we shall reveal our selves to the Jedi at last we shall have our revenge.

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Guest Darth_Chaos

Hey man I bought the game and I love it!!

I beat it and I'm a Jedi Master plus I got some patches so my opinion is that you should defently buy it!!!



Dark Lord of the Sith Order Sith Apprentice. 1_bg.html


At last we shall reveal our selves to the Jedi at last we shall have our revenge.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

X-Wing Alliance is a very good game, and you should get it. Some missions are EXTREMELY hard, and you will be screaming at the computer, telling it it has cheated. But you should get it. I like to fly Millennium Falcon!!

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Guest Thermal

X-wing Alliance is an AWESOME game Wart. It's one of the best SW games they've ever made. I beat it more than a year ago and I still play it single-player. I thought the difficulty was just right, but it does let you skip any 3 missions you want without a penalty, so if you get stuck on one you can just do that. smile.gif Very Cool.

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