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Ki-Adi-Mundi mystery solved!

Guest Maul Clone

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Guest Maul Clone

And it's very very very sad news. Not only do we have to wait till Fall 2000 to play as him, we have to buy a Dreamcast as well. LucasArts.com announced that the Dreamcast version will have a new secret playable character, as in one that the PSX version does not.


It doesn't take a genius to figure out who that will be and that he is not in the PSX version. I guess that's what the game developer meant when he said we will "have to wait" for Ki-Adi(see My Ki-Adi-Mundi evidence post).


I for one feel completely cheated about the whole deal for a couple of reasons. One, I don't own a Dreamcast and won't by one because it will be outdated when PSX2 comes out. Two, this means I will NEVER play as Ki-Adi. Three, The Dreamcast version will no doubt look better and be bug free, unlike our buggy version.


On the bright side we can stop looking for him now and return to sanity, And hey, Dreamcast owners will have to wait another 6 months to play the game we are playing today.


I still feel MAJORLY cheated by LucasArts though. frown.gif

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Guest Darth_Talon

We all do maul.......we all do....




"Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb."

-Dark Helmet to LoneStar (Spaceballs)

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Guest Maul Clone

And another thing: I think they left Ki-Adi's name in the credits just to fuel speculation and create enthusiasm for him.


Well, it did exactly the opposite for me, it just pissed me off!!!

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Guest ihatecrosswinds

Here's my personal opinion: Ki-Adi Mundi's kinda funny-looking. I really don't care that I can't play as him. So what if he has a purple lightsaber? Big deal. I think it'd be cooler to play as Darth Vader, or Darth Sidious. Or better yet, Jaina Solo or Mara Jade.






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Guest Acid_Rain327

Of course the whole thing about leaving the name in the credits was hype. So was leaving the texture in the programing - they knew someone would find it.


They figure the hype will be enough to make us go out and buy the Dreamcast version - let's blow that plan up in their faces.

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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

And so LEC smashes our fragile dreams into nothing with their crappy games! Just kidding..... smile.gif


I for one think this was an awesome game. It had good action good moves. Though they didn't have Ki-Adi-Mundi, I think they still put out a good game. I will enjoy it for years to come( well not exactly I probably won't play it for more than a few more weeks)and keep it in my possession. Perhaps there will be something that comes out for it...you never know........



Either that or we could all buy Dreamcast




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Guest Acid_Rain327

You know what bothers me?


The fact that stores are gonna be charging the same amount of money for both versions.


At Lucas Arts' MSRP.


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Guest Darth skywalker

Overshadow your a Rho mark now?



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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Guest Thermal

Guys, come on! You HONESTLY think that Lucasarts left the KiAdi credit in just to psyche u out? And left the Phantom Texture in in the hopes that someone would rip it off the cd and go apesh*t telling everyone that KiAdi is in the game?


There are 2 real possibilities here. The first and my personal favorite is the one I stated here yesterday before Lucasarts made the Dreamcast announcement, in the KiAdi Theory 101 post. That LEC was pushed to release the game on PSX in order to make the April 4th video deadline and they decided to just wait and put KiAdi into the next version ie: Dreamcast.


The second option is that they decided a long time ago to put him only in the Dreamcast version and the texture is in the PSX game only because they were using the same base programming when they were working on the new version.


Either way, they're probably using the same credits (minus any PSX only workers) for the Dreamcast and THATS why the credits are there.

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The Playstation was buggy because it was rushed... anyway, I"m not getting a dreamcast just for a stupid game. I'm getting a Playstation 2 when it comes out. Lucasart is already developing games for it already. For example Star Wars Episode 1 STar Fighter and a mario cart like game named bombard racing.

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Guest Maul Clone

Originally posted by Thermal:

Guys, come on! You HONESTLY think that Lucasarts left the KiAdi credit in just to psyche u out? And left the Phantom Texture in in the hopes that someone would rip it off the cd and go apesh*t telling everyone that KiAdi is in the game?


There are 2 real possibilities here. The first and my personal favorite is the one I stated here yesterday before Lucasarts made the Dreamcast announcement, in the KiAdi Theory 101 post. That LEC was pushed to release the game on PSX in order to make the April 4th video deadline and they decided to just wait and put KiAdi into the next version ie: Dreamcast.


The second option is that they decided a long time ago to put him only in the Dreamcast version and the texture is in the PSX game only because they were using the same base programming when they were working on the new version.


Either way, they're probably using the same credits (minus any PSX only workers) for the Dreamcast and THATS why the credits are there.

Yeah, I'm sure leaving the credit was just an honest mistake....cough cough. It's clearly a marketing strategy to help sell the Dreamcast version.


I tell you something else; I feel like an unpaid bug tester for the Dreamcast version, I think lots of other people here do also.

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