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I personally feel cheated by LucasArts...

Guest TK-422

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Guest TK-422

It is like LucasArts sued the playstation game as a test to see what works and what doesnt. They screwed us PSX users over. I mean, the dreamcast is going to have GREAT graphics, and I DOUBT it will have any of the problems that the PSX does. Also, theyy even go and add in a new secret character. That is just unfair. THEY SCREWED US OVER, and im pissed. Lucasarts can either make a great game or a terrible game, and lately it seems they have been leaning to a terrible game. If they had somebody like square or Factor 5 develop this game, we wouldnt have any of these problems and we would definitly have all the characters we want. Lucarts needs a serious revamp in their staff.

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Guest Hannibal

Other than graphics, I doubt itll be much different than the Playstation version.



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Guest Thermal

I'm sure your right, but have you seen how good Dreamcast games look? The difference between the PSX verion and the new one will be pretty big. Plus the vaunted new "secret character", whoever that pointy headed Jedi might be wink.gif


I have to hope that Lucasarts will fix the bugs though. After all the flak that the PSX game took, it would be insane not to.

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