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The Secret Characters

Guest Deus

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Alright, I'm new here, so I think I should say hi first. So, Hi! =)


I have a question about the secret characters, and about which ones are available in single player, and versus only. So can you guys tell me how to get all the secret characters in versus and in single player?


I've heard of Ki-Adi-Mundi or someone, where you beat training and he becomes available. How does this work? You beat training and then load the saved file and it starts you off in Single player or something?


Thanks in advance.



Luke... I am your father... any your uncle.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Ki-Adi-Mundi is unlocked when you beat all the training missions. Just save after each mission, and when you have completed them all, he will be playable!


Panaka and Amidala will be available after you beat the game as Obi-Wan.


Maul after you beat it as Qui-Gon.


That's it for the SP...


Have no idea what characters you can unlock in the Versus mode...

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