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Guest Plo Koon

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Guest Plo Koon

<font color="yellow"> Do you have to get all the secret levels in order?

Can I get Level 14 without having 11-13?




You could no more evade my wrath, then you could your own shadow.


[This message has been edited by Plo Koon (edited May 21, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Certainly Plo. There is no need to get them in order.




Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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Guest obi_wan_kenobi

kenobi is right i got level 14 without getting any of the other levels




jedi knight obi_wan_kenobi

and friend of jedi kenobi who is really cool

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Guest master psionex

level 14 is also the easiest because mace can heal himself.obi-wan is the only character i've been able to beat suvival with.



patience is vital,remember to breathe,everything else will fall into place

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