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to the un-council

Guest master psionex

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Guest master psionex

i seek your wisdom in a problem that neither i nor my padawan can solve.in prima's guide forjpb it says to unlock the concept art gallery you must score 3 goals against your opponent.we have done so playing in two player but were unsuccessful i'm not yet skilled enough in single player is there something we are doing wrong? your advise is most appreciated.



patience is vital,remember to breathe,everything else will fall into place

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my advice would be not not let the other gungan hit jar jar.


now seriously, the way you are facing when you hit him determines the direction he runs to. thats all i can tell you, ask darth wart, hes not on the un-council, but we dont hold it against him.





The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter


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